Monday, May 10, 2021

Bird saga continues . . .

Northern Mockingbird eating forbidden fruit. Taken through the storm door. I'm not sure if the seed he is eating will get him sick. I looked up Sago Palms after I took the photos because I thought I had read that they can be poisonous to dogs and I believe the bird is eating a Sago Palm seed. I was surprised to see him so close to the house. We haven't seen any signs of a bird in distress.

 The Bluebirds that decided to peek into Puppy's Pop's shop were going crazy today because the heavy overnight rains (2 1/2 inches) had ripped down the blanket covering the window. Puppy's Pop, being a Bluebird Lover Par Excellence, moved their box to try to keep them away from the window but it did not deter them so he found some sail cloth and drilled holes above and below the window and nailed it to completely stop them from looking at their reflections. He then put their home back where it had been and they are continuing to build their nest. I swear these two birds are sick puppies. Good grief.

The short videos above were taken yesterday before we left for dinner with Big Kiddo and his family. I have a hard time even seeing these little guys and there they were begging me to make videos. I rarely get a photo of these birds sitting still anywhere in the yard or at South Park so I'm pretty happy with these shorts.

It's a good thing P&D's Pop mowed Saturday. We have more heavy rain coming in tonight. I also managed to get the weed whacking completed. I have two batteries for my Black and Decker and work as quickly as possible; they only last about 15 minutes each. That's a good thing because I can only work for half an hour. After being in Louisiana for over 5 years I have learned to dress appropriately - long pants tucked into long socks inside of rubber boots, long sleeved shirt tucked into jeans, goggles, ear protection and hat. I am so wickedly hot by the time I finish my half hour and fearful of any bugs that may have found an opening in my clothing I rush to throw the clothes in the wash and then off to the shower. It is heavenly to be squeaky clean when I go out to my porch swing pleased to see the yard looking lush and smooth with the Mockingbirds and Bluebirds cleaning up the bugs that have been unearthed. It's a smiling kind of good. 

Quote:  Children have more need of models than of critics. ___Joubert

Quote:  Every time a man smiles, and much more when he laughs, it adds something to his fragment of life.  ____Sterne

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