Sunday, May 23, 2021

Unmasked at last . . .

P&D's Pop put up a Scaresquirrel

Blue Jay

Fledgling Northern Cardinal

I was a bit nervous going to Mass this morning. I haven't been to Mass in person in 14 months and I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd been keeping up with what was going on while going to Mass on line. Our Pastor sends out weekly emails and he said they were ready to go maskless. I am so happy I ventured to Immaculate Conception this morning; not only maskless but the choir is back! Now, that is a blessing. I must admit that I'd been cheating a bit going to Mass on line; rather than go to the online Mass taking place at my church I was watching a Mass offered by the Diocese of Toronto. It was streamlined into a half hour program; the sermons were short, concise, well prepared and the music was one person singing the responses. I love a choir singing; it is an important part of my Sunday worship. I join in the singing, softly because I'm an alto and not a very good one! When I was a student at PCA I sang in the choir; as long as I was surrounded by other altos I was fine - I had a lot of trouble on my own. I'm sure Sister Charles knew exactly where to put me! Thinking of Sr. Charles reminds me of cheating her out of my piano lesson money. I used to keep it and quit going to lessons. Of course I eventually told my parents and they understood that I was not a budding musical star. All of us kids took piano lessons; my two oldest siblings did very well and the two younger ones were fine. I am glad that I took them; I can still read music and play on my keyboard once in a while but only for myself. I will not play for anyone. That's why I quit taking lessons - playing in concerts made me so nervous I would get sick. My parents knew that about me and I suppose they hoped that I would get over it. I never have. My crowd limit is about 3 people! And that does not include me in any kind of performance except waitressing. I could always have a good time when I was waitressing and earning money for school.

Wow, I guess I digressed but when I think about it - I didn't digress - this must be stream of consciousness! What the heck!

Quote:  I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.    _____Swift

Quote: Mortifications are often more painful than real calamities.   ___Goldsmith

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