Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A raspberry jello day . . .

We've really been in College Fjord for the last several photos. We left Glacier Bay and are going through College Fjord on our way to Seward.

Got a bit accomplished today! Finished up what I could on the taxes; only have to wait for Grampa's brother to finish up the estate taxes to see if we can garner any more deductions! I hope we can. Need some more deductions this year! Also went to Big Y and got that out of the way for the week. Went a day early in case the real snow materializes tomorrow. It's been spitting all day but the roads just got wet. It may freeze tonight though. Also finished listening and walking to Bleak House, 28 CD's. I really liked it. It's amazing how many characters Dickens can keep track of and end the novel with a proper accounting of each. I haven't figured out who my favorite character is. Some are too good to be true and others completely loathsome. Perhaps Bucket, the detective, is my favorite. Probably the precursor of Sherlock Holmes.

Grandson is suddenly into jokes so I dug out 5 old joke books that the big kids had when they were younger! And, of course, I went to Amazon and bought at least one new book of Knock, Knock Jokes. They are so corny but kiddo gets a kick out of them. We'll see what happens when he visits Friday.

Had a nice email from a former student who studied in France for a semester in International Relations. He loved his stay there and although he's not using his French at present is thinking of going to grad school and becoming a French teacher. Hip! Hip! He was certainly a wonderful French student some years ago. It's so nice to hear how the "kids" are doing. I really did have a lot of fun with the students. It's too bad there are administrators in school buildings! Schools only need extremely competent teachers, students who are brought up thirsting for knowledge! and good secretaries!

Speaking of school. I got a call from grandson's school and besides helping out for lunch on Thursday and Friday next week I was asked to sub for 7th Grade Wednesday afternoon. That should be interesting. I pick kiddo up at 3 on Wednesdays so the subbing won't be a problem. I'm just curious how the kids will react. I haven't subbed in a year!

Oh yes. Raspberry Jello! Delicious. I was in the mood for raspberries today. No clue why, but the jello did the trick. Just some comfort food on this gray New England winter's day.

Quote: One great use of words is to hide our thoughts. __Voltaire


2Evil4U said...

You're lucky I took my compendium of Limericks with me!

Qu'que chose said...

I should say so! He'll know some limericks way too soon, I'm sure!

2Evil4U said...

We're supposed to get snow again tomorrow. DOn't feel too bad.