Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amazing Moosup . . .

Keeps the bears out!

Found a jelly bean aficionado. The best waitress at Lizzy B's is waiting for me to bring her some promised buttered pop corn jellies! That's good because I really shouldn't eat them all myself. I have 24 little bags of them. One bean is only 4 calories so if you're careful and only eat 4 a day that's pretty negligible.

Grampa stopped to gas up the Saturn at Bestway in downtown Moosup and I waited in the car. It was before 9 o'clock but I was still amazed at the tons of traffic rolling through town. Yikes! We've become a metropolis! (Maybe because we have so many gas stations!) Big Y has a new way to use their gold and silver coins. You can go to the Sunoco station right across from Wood's old place and get .05 off per gallon on 20 gallons with a silver coin or .20 off per gallon with a gold coin. It won't make much difference for my car because I always get .04 off at Bestway but it'll be great for the Dodge Ram when Grampa uses the gold coin. Since Big Y no longer has any other colors for their coins I get gold coins quite often. Good deal!

Puppy's Pop is off to the transfer station with all of the junk he bagged yesterday from the Dog Track. He's even stopping at the neighbor's house to pick up his junk. Pretty nice guy! Speaking of houses the little one across the street from us, built on a postage stamp piece of land, is for sale for $160,000. That is ludicrous. There is no land and just a tiny house, although the house seems to be in fairly good shape.

Off to Groton soon and probably the playground. Kiddo has this week off and he spent Monday and Tuesday helping out at the Lounge! He loves to be there with his Mom and really does help her.

Quote: (Found this in the book I'm reading, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Interesting and I believe quite true.) "Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them." --Oscar Wilde

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