Monday, April 12, 2010

Yes indeedy . . .

Got a couple more reasons for 2Dogs to add to his list of "Why women shouldn't take men shopping!" But . . . I'll keep them to myself for the sake of "true love." Wow, Grampa can be irascible. Suffice it to say that we went to New Hampshire because they don't have a sales tax and if Puppy's Pop can get away with not paying taxes in Connecticut, no matter the cost, he's had a good day! Day started out good and ended well so all it all it was OK. We won't go into the little matter of a somewhat beat up new grill! I did get a chance to try out the iPad and I'm so excited about it. It is super cool but the model I want won't be out until May, I think. They don't have a firm date yet. It really is cool, for me. Since I don't have a fancy phone or laptop it's like "Wow!" It'll cost about $15 a month so I can use it anywhere. I don't think that's too bad. There are a lot of free apps but I'm sure that I'll have to buy some "stuff." It makes me smile and that's good!

Grampa will cook some knockwurst for supper on the new, somewhat banged up, grill and I'll be as sweet as pie! It's amazing how good I can be!

Quote: Men are but childdren, too, though they have gray hairs; they are only of a larger size. --Seneca

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