Sunday, April 25, 2010

A southern day . . .

Went for about a two mile walk in the neighborhood the other evening and met some small, but ugly dogs. Two of them followed us on our rounds, one a hairless something or other. There are so many dogs in the area that there was barking everywhere we went and then a bull dog came out and chased the little guys back home! Most of the dogs are fenced in, thank goodness, because they are huge hunting animals. I really thought that if one of the blood hounds had made it over his fence he could have snapped me up as a small morsel for a bedtime snack! But he would probably only have sniffed around and told his handler I wasn't worth a damn!

Before leaving for the Lia Sophia Jewelry Party daughter-in-law and I were out on the front porch watching the lightening strikes and listening to the immediate booming thunder. She told me that we were going to the Party at the home of a couple who had had a lightening strike in their backyard just last week! I was almost tempted to back out of the party! When we arrived at Kirsten home her husband showed us the tree that had been struck and the ditch the lightening had made as it went underground and ended up at their gas line! They don't use gas in their home and that's a good thing or it might have exploded. Kirsten was home when it struck and it knocked everything off of the wall on that side of the house besides melting some of the siding and breaking the windshield on her car. She said the crash was so loud that she fell to the floor and was absolutely petrified! Impressive and that wasn't considered much of a hit!

I was pleasantly surprised by the party itself. We were only about 6 people but with a few outside sales included they sold about $1000 worth. The jewelry was strikingly exciting, interesting and handsome. I didn't buy at the party because I'm going to get a couple of pieces through our daughter-in-law so she can make the profit from the sales. I did win a pair of silver earrings! Pretty neat!

Went to breakfast in East Baton Rouge at Frank's where everyone had stopped in after church! What a crowd but they got us in and out in no time flat. Good food, good company and as their logo states, "It's all good!"

Time to read the Sunday Advocate while Puppy's Pop and son are burning off some tree stumps. It's amazing what you can do down here and no one bothers you. I love it!

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