Friday, June 11, 2010

Again . . . photo problems

Kiddo's Graduation from Kindergarten was rather fun! He got a special certificate for reading fifteen books a month during the school year. He was thrilled! At the end the teacher gave each child a fairly large sand bucket filled with books, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, candy, a ball etc. And a good time was had by all! I ended up getting a very nice wooden box filled with Hershey's Hugs and Kisses because I helped out during the year. Very nice.

When Grampa returned from horseshoes last night he was happy because he and his partner had won their three games but . . . John M. and Dot, his friend, were in an accident on the road that leads to the Joaque's Club. John hit a tree with his little truck and the air bags deployed. He's at least 95 years old and I hope he and Dot are going to be OK. I don't think that they went to the hospital but it's pretty scary. Also got a call from Middle Child in the evening that I was to rush down to the cellar if I heard the sound of a train. It seems we were under a tornado watch. It was raining furiously at the time she called but we were unscathed.

Bought Drawing Pad for the iPad and Kiddo is going to have a ball with it. I played with it last night and it's very interesting. I'm on a list to be notified when some of the new iPad apps come out that are for kids. They're not expensive at about $1 or so each. Also figured out how to turn my iPad photos into albums. Takes me time but I'm getting there!

Went to get money and gas the Saturn this morning before I leave for Groton and Kiddo's last day of school and I couldn't get the cover off of the gas tank! There were some kids hanging around and the worst kid I'd ever had in Plainfield came to help me! Even he couldn't get the darned thing off. An older, scruffy man came and managed to get if off. Puppy's Pop greased it up good when I got home. Good thing I've got friends . . . odd ones but very helpful!

Quote: The only way to have a friend is to be one. __Emerson


2Evil4U said...

Feh. No reason to do anything different unless you're under a "warning". Watches don't mean diddly. Given the conditions down here, we're under tornado watches about every afternoon from 3-9. Even if there is a warning, it's still business as usual. Nothing to get worked up about.

Qu'que chose said...

Not sure if it was "watch" or "warning" but I just finished my paper and looked at the rain beating my garden! Then it stopped. Just like that! Our weather has been a little odd lately! That damnable BP must have let the genie out of the bottle!