Saturday, June 12, 2010

More rain . . .

Holly growing along the roadside.

Watching the World Cup and rooting for the USA over England but I'm not too sure about what I'm seeing! I've never watched a whole soccer match before besides England is already ahead. Not good. I'm only interested because the English were going crazy while we were there about playing the USA. They are bonkers over soccer.

The Mountain Dew arrived at D and G's. Problem is they ended up with 96 cans and I had ordered 48! Holy smokes. That's a lot of soda. So far I've only been charged for the original 48 cans. We'll see what ensues. It's not a big deal. If they double charge me it'll be OK. After all I did want to send G the Mountain Dew. American Soda doesn't seem to be too with it and VISA certainly hasn't helped!

Kiddo sent some emails to his Mom and Dad from the iPad using the Drawing Board app. They loved them. He did a lot of work all by himself. I just make him ask me when he wants to email because I don't want him to be sending too much stuff. He's really a quick learner with the computer. I'm always amazed. He got a Fun Packet for summer from his school. It's incredible how much work they expect him to do this summer. We'll be pretty busy just getting the school work accomplished. But he really does like to sit and learn . . . sometimes!

Finally got the house cleaned up pretty well and Grampa mowed the lawn again. He had to finish in the rain. It's a good thing I got the garden all in because it's been raining everyday for about a week and I haven't been able to get in there and weed. The weeds are monsters this year.

Quote: Language is the dress of thought. __Johnson

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