Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yes . . . we're back . . . really!

Finally. Slept until seven this morning. Starting to feel human again. Tried to walk yesterday afternoon and couldn't even make it to Cone Hill before I had to turn back. That damn left leg/hip can be a real pain. I couldn't even walk in the house to my CD walking program. But today, bright and early Grampa and I went to the Dog Track and I walked, slowly and with short strides for my 2+ miles. Woot! It felt so good. Then we had coffee at Lizzy B's even though I had already had coffee at home! Good start to the day.

Went off to Brooklyn to get the new sim card for the Samsung and everything went like a charm. Way to go! Stopped by Angie's son's home and had a great visit with him. He'll probably bring the girls to Moosup once Kiddo gets out of school for the summer. That should be interesting!

The garden is looking good. I've been working really hard to destroy the weeds that grew so well while we were gone and it's finally paying off. I've also gotten some flower pots to put around the yard and we're sitting pretty. The air conditioners are in but the weather is so cool and beautiful, of course, we don't need them, at least not now. Life is good.

Quote: There is an emanation from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be described but is immediately felt, and puts the stranger at once at his ease. __Washington Irving

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