Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lots of pool time . . .

Newcastle on Tyne from the train.

Yesterday was a hot one. Kiddo and I went to the Aquarium and as usual had a great time. He knows where everything is and what he likes. After the sea lion show we hit the gift shop and found something that he didn't have! Wonder of wonders! I bought him some sand that turns into sculpture shapes when it is poured into the water but the second you scoop it out it is instantly dry. I must admit that it's a lot of fun. You can use it over and over again. Not cheap, but fun and very interesting. After lunch at McD's in Mystic we spent most of the afternoon in the pool. Never thought I'd enjoy a pool but we had a blast and of course I was completely pooped by the time I got home. Slept like a baby.

Today is starting out hot, muggy and cloudy. I think that we'll go to the Niantic Board Walk and hope we see some kids crabbing under the railroad bridge. Perhaps we will bring some pails and shovels to collect shells. I like to stay outside for most of the day, but sometimes the muggies get too miserable.

Quote: To know how to suggest is the art of teaching. __ Amiel

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