Monday, June 14, 2010

Insurance woes . . .

Haven't quite figured out if I've lost another battle with Stirling & Stirling, our medical insurance through the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Board. Got a bill from the VA in RI for $115 that goes back to January 2009! I called 'Denise' at the RI VA, not the billing department in Florida where they know absolutely nothing but will tell you to pay 'or else!' She explained that we owed $65 and she would try to figure out the rest of the mess. This happens constantly when we deal with paying the VA. Thank goodness Puppy's Pop gets to see the Doctors without a hassle.

The sun is trying to peep out and I'm hoping it really breaks through. I'm really sick of gray skies and cool days and nights. I know I'll be kicking myself when we have to turn on the air conditioners but I need sunlight more than anything else no matter what the heat does.

Off to see younger sister soon.

Quote: The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. __Milton

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