Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I survived . . .

Coming in to Newcastle on the train.

I survived another trip over the Gold Star Bridge. Wow, this was a really close call. I was on the curve just past CONN College and the lady in front of me took the exit on the right to 95 South and I continued onto the entrance to 95 North. All of a sudden she decided to take the same exit as I. It's a good thing there was no one going to New London because I was able to get away from her and the man behind me managed to make room for her. It actually took my breath away. I don't think any one should be driving if they can't figure out what to do when they make a mistake. Coming back from the dentist's I had to get on 95 South and cross the 4 lanes of traffic. That's no picnic if people are tail gating but if you go fast enough you're all set!

Wasn't too pleased with what the x-rays showed. I've got a couple of crowns that don't completely cover the tooth and so have cavities where you can't even reach to clean properly. I signed a notification to our former dentist so he can send our records to Dr. Mackey. I just hope that his wife sends them. They aren't answering the phone or letting patients know what the heck is going on. Not a good thing.

Managed to get the house all ship shape for another week. Hoping it rains tonight so I won't have to water the garden. Grampa is going to get me a third hose so I can drag it up to the plants I want to water and not have to keep filling my watering can! That's somewhat tiring, to say the least. He's out side at this moment cutting up a bunch of old T-shirts I will no longer wear. They make excellent rags. I have no clue why I was saving them! They were in excellent condition but I've put on enough weight that they're useless. So . . . may have to go shopping soon! Sounds like a grand idea.

Quote: I have discovered the philosopher's stone, that turns everything into gold: it is, " Pay as you go." __John Randolph


2Evil4U said...

The other option would be Rt 2 to Rt 12. A bit slower, but no 9-lane bridge.

Qu'que chose said...

That's true and I may just use that route when I'm leaving Dr. Mackey's which is on Route 12. But it's not a good way home from Richoni's.