Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wow, I think I'm growing up . . .

Can't believe what I've done in the last couple of days. Kiddo is keeping me moving and I'm sleeping like a log. Wednesday we went to Avery Point and walked into every nook and cranny he could find. Also played in the salt water, throwing sea shells, rocks, sea weed and whatever came to hand. He walked all of the walls and some were taller than I. A bit scary but he had a blast. Went to his favorite place to eat, Pizza Palace, before he showed me how to get to the Miniature Golf Course. What a lot of fun. I was pooped but we still had to swim in the pool (very cold) and ride the bike around the old school's parking lot at least 15 times before we went inside to do our summer fun packet (school stuff!), eat supper and play Wii racing. Almost the same scenario today. Only we started out at Fort Trumbull and he scootered around every zigzag path he could find even on the fishing dock! He wanted to go into the Fort so we managed to get in free because I'm over 65 and he's under 6. Serendipitous! I followed him through the museum which covers the Revolutionary War through the Cold War and then we climbed through the Fort and up onto the roof. Unbelievable interest in such a young one. Bought a new helmet for the bike (training wheels still but getting bolder each day.) Then on to Pizza Palace where he ate 1/8 of a hamburger and half a pizza before we hit the links again. Of course he had to try out the new helmet and elbow pads (?) for the rest of the day. I'm completely worn out. At least tomorrow I'll pick him up and bring him back home so Grampa can have a turn!
Daughter has been very busy at the Bar. Had an order for two sheet pizzas today and thought they were to go. Never made sheet pizza before but they got them all ready and made. At the bar a man came in and asked when the Retirement Party started. D. explained that they had no party booked. But in came two other men from EB who had ordered the two sheet pizzas for the Retirement Party. So about 30 guys showed up for in impromtu party. How cool is that? Then R. had a wrecker call on 95 North. Some crazy on a motorcycle going about 100 miles per hour rear-ended at least two cars. Not a pretty sight. 95 North was closed and you should have seen the people trying to get off of the bridge when I was coming home at about 6:30. It was terrible. Kiddo's older brother helped out at the garage today and is also going to be helping at the Bar tomorrow. I like that!

Off to bed soon after I have my wine and swing a bit!

Quote: It is a great blessing to possess what one wishes, said one to an ancient philosopher. __It is a greater still, was the reply, not to desire what one does not possess. __Sir W. Temple

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