Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad weather . . . good day . . .

There is a rainbow in the middle of the photo. I believe that Elmendorf Air Force base is behind the rainbow!

Crazy weather. Did get some rain but not enough to help the garden and the poor rivers only enough to make it muggier than the devil. Took a ride to Richoni's for lunch. I know I'm prejudiced but I really enjoy going there. Michael makes a fantastic Margarita and daughter makes the best BLT's. That's all I need to keep me happy. We took a ride to Stonington Borough after lunch because I needed a Quimper Faience fix. To my chagrin the store no longer exists. I guess it closed in 2006. I've gone such a long time without a fix that they had to close shop. I can get what I want on line but it's just not the same as browsing in the beautiful atelier. That feels like another life ago. I'm guessing that the last time I went I was with Angie. How I do miss her.

After we got home I dug out the crates of old bottles Grampa and I had finagled out of the ground near the big rock. I finally cleaned up about 30 of them. Pretty neat stuff. I love the little ones, especially if they're blue. It's such a chore to clean them because I have nothing small enough to get inside many of them since the openings are long and narrow. But with old shaved down tooth brushes, pipe cleaners, bottle brushes and Q-tips I didn't do too badly. I still have another batch to clean but the bottles are fairly large in comparison to today's batch. I keep wanting to get back to eBay but I haven't put my mind to it yet. Maybe I'll do something with a lot of our old junk this winter; a good pastime besides my puzzles, hooked rug that I've been working on for over 5 years and it's small :( , and my reading. I'm finally reading James Joyce's The Dubliners on the iPad. Gutenberg Press has all of the old books for free as ebooks. Pretty cool.

Bring Kiddo to the Children's Museum in Niantic tomorrow where we'll meet his Monday and Tuesday summer camp buddies. Can't believe that he starts school next Thursday, August 26th. Seems inhumane. But I'll go and start my lunch duties as I did last year. I am looking forward to seeing some of the ladies I worked with at his school. We've corresponded a bit by email and it'll be nice to be with them again.

Quote: At sixty a man has passed most of the reefs and whirlpools. Excepting only death, he has no enemies left to meet. . . . That man has awakened to a new youth . . . Ergo, he is young. ___George Luks

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