Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cold in Summer . . .

Harewood Estate. Family still lives here but opens part of the grounds and home to make enough money to pay the taxes! Cousins of the queen.

Well, I can't believe it. I've got the worst cold ever. It's down in my chest and in my throat. I sound like a croaking frog. (I hope that's not a pun? It wasn't done intentionally.) Think I won't go to church this morning even though we did go out to breakfast. Don't want to pass this bug on to anyone. They would certainly be miserable.

Middle child, husband and Kiddo stopped in for a visit last evening. That was nice. Don't get to see them in Moosup too often. Next Sunday is VJ Day and I expect that they'll come to the party at the Bonnin homestead. That will be a very nice day.

Will just stay home and relax and try not talking. That is always somewhat painful but talking makes me cough, so I'll have to try to be quiet. Have a doctor's appointment tomorrow early. Perhaps if I'm quiet today I'll be OK to go to the appointment without being catchy! Also wanted to go see younger sister in Granby Tuesday but I certainly don't want to bring them any bugs. May have to wait a week or so 'til I get over this yuck.

Quit getting the Norwich Bulletin as of yesterday. But the New London Day hasn't started our delivery yet. Had to buy a Sunday paper. I hope they get their act together or I'll have to start complaining before we even start having the paper delivered!

Quote: A newspaper should be the maximum of information, and the minimum of comment. ___Cobden

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