Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer cold . . .

Nenana River rocks.

Okay. How sick can you be with a summer cold? Very. It is the absolute pits. I feel like I did those many years ago when I was sick because of all the chemicals I was taking. This is most incredible. But I believe that I may be on the road to recovery. Wow. I never take a nap. I never nap in the pink room. I never wake up and wonder what the heck I'm doing up stairs. So, today I broke all of the nevers. I slept for about 2 hours straight and that's the longest I've slept in quite a few days. The coughing is horrible. It starts in my toes and keeps working its way up to my chest and doesn't know when to quit. I am taking some OTC meds suggested by the Rite Aide druggist and they seem to be helping a bit. I should have money in cough drop companies. I've gone through at least 4 bags. As of this moment I officially hate all cough drops because that's all I can taste. I just need sleep in some way, shape or form. The pink room worked out pretty well because the bed is up against the wall and I can rest my back on it yet still have my head propped up. I may someday break down and get an over stuffed recliner so I can sleep almost sitting up! Can't wait until I can just lie down and fall into oblivion!

'nough complaining for today. After all the orphans in Timbuktu don't even have a pink room! so now I'm ashamed of myself :(

Quote: In sickness let me not so much say, am I getting better of my pain? as am I getting better for it? __Shakespeare (And the answer is: "NO." )

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