Monday, August 16, 2010

Need rain . . .

Power plant that was built and never put on line. Surprise!

Yea! I must be all better. I spent yesterday afternoon in the garden pulling old plants and weeds and then even played horseshoes. I'm still lousy at horseshoes but I'm one heck of a good weed puller! Not too sure what to do with the Indian corn so I'm just letting it dry up on the stalks. We've got at least 6 pumpkins coming along nicely; not too big but not little either. Just got a very short haircut. It's been driving me crazy. The muggy weather and the last haircut which wasn't short enough had me looking like a wild woman. Now I'm back to normal, what ever that may be.

Started to call all the brothers and sisters to remind them about the Horseshoe/Cribbage Tournament September 5. Have the food all ordered too so we're looking good. Just have to hope the weather is good. But if it rains we can move the tables into the Hot Rod garage and Moosup nephew has a really nice tarp we can use. It may be the last year for the picnic tables. They're starting to rot out. I'm going to look at a table made of Trex. It'll be expensive but should last forever. No rush.

Should be doing some house chores but not sure I'm in the mood!

Quote: An egotist is a man who talks so much about himself that he gives me no time to talk about myself. __H. L. Wayland

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