Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Good Life . . .

Puppy's Pop took this photo of the Rose of Sharon that had almost been destroyed in the Spring by the deer. It's a beautiful blossom. Thank you younger brother and wifey!

Kiddo and I spent our last summer vacation day at the Mashentucket-Pequot Museum. This was completely his idea and after we got there I knew why he wanted to go back. He loves elevators. Where ever we go he wants to use the elevators and I always insist we walk up and down the stairs but at the museum the only way up to the top of the tower, about 22 stories, I think, is the elevator and he gets to run it if we go early enough and there is no one else around! So we started out up in the tower all by ourselves. He was in heaven, almost literally. I'm not over fond of elevators but he's an excellent driver and guide. We also made a tour of the museum proper before we paid out last summer visit to his favorite restaurant, Pizza Palace in Groton. Spent the rest of the day racing weird cars down the driveway.

Kiddo started school Thursday so I also went to Sacred Heart to help out with lunches. His opinion of school, " First Grade is awesome!" We went to Richoni's after school and even though he had eaten his entire lunch he ate chicken again before we headed home. Great start to the new year. Saturday he left with his family for Cape Cod and Grampa and I went to Coventry, RI for the final horseshoe get together. He and his partner won $70 for 4th place for the year and then they also came in 4th at the play offs. Wonderful food and friends. We had an excellent day. The weather has been perfect for almost 5 days now. Even the night sky is beautiful with Jupiter rising before the Moon in the East.

Don't want to dwell on a dreary subject but I will say that I've finally perked up after dragging butt for quite some time. It seems that my thyroid has been acting up for about a year and my new lady, Jessica, has figured it out. I've started taking a mild dose of Synthroid each morning and I feel at least 20 years younger. That's a good thing. I had been feeling like a 100 and now I feel like 47! Way cool.

Almost time for Mass and then have to prepare my list for next Sunday's Tournament. Only have to pick up some odds and ends and clean the garage. That should do it. We're going to Sturbridge tomorrow to see if we can find some flying twirly thingamajigs for me and the kids.

Quote: Wishes run over in loquacious impotence; will presses on with laconic energy. __Lavater

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Sounds good! Can't wait to see y'all in October.