Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Got life . . .

It's official: bronchitis. My new lady Primary Care declared it was't pneumonia because the x-ray showed my lungs are perfect. So that's the good news. They made me do some kind of breathing with a mist machine for 5 minutes, then gave me an inhaler and nose drops and antibiotics. Should be good to go for another 67 years. Still feel like merde but that's better than the last few days. Will go hang out in Groton tomorrow.

Had the x-ray at the old Ames Plaza in Norwich. Backus has taken it over with all sorts of out patient services. Very nice and efficient. We had a nice lunch at Old Tymes. Usually go there for breakfasts but tried their lunch menu. Not too bad. I had a BLT, iced tea and Grapenut pudding. Grampa had coffee and catfish. We had a chance to speak with Janet Peckinpaugh, the former newswoman at Channel ? but I didn't think that would be good form as I have her opponent's political signs up in our yard! Both she and Daria Novak, the endorsed candidate, are hoping to run against Joe Courtney our very liberal Democratic 2nd District Congressman. I hope everyone will get out to vote in November and throw most of those incumbents out, out, out! Peckinpaugh was taking a lunch break at Old Tymes and did say hello to Grampa before she left.

Quote: There is an infinity of political errors which, being once adopted, become principles. __Abbé Raynal

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