Thursday, November 4, 2010

Must spew . . .

Not Alaska.

Can't really grasp what Connecticut has done. We are in terrible shape so we put the same people back in office. That is so incredible. On top of that Bysiewicz doesn't have an official count and tells us that Malloy is the new governor. How could you get more outrageous than that? It is enough to make you physically sick. This is not ignorance on the part of our Secretary of State. It is hubris at the highest degree and vengeance. It's too bad for me that I love the four seasons in New England but we really have to consider going to a state where the welfare clients don't vote your money into their pockets. Can't stand too much more of this "merde."

On a brighter note at least the country as a whole did some good things on Tuesday but I don't trust the Republican Party to do what's best for us. Hope they stick to their guns, literally and figuratively, and clean up the mess in DC. If not "numb nutz" will be in office for another 6 years and it will be doomsday for the USA. It is scary.

Good thing I spent a good part of yesterday helping Puppy's Pop spread over a ton of loam on the ruts in the yard made by the felled trees and the logging truck. I don't believe that I could do manual labor for 8 hours a day. That was hard work but I felt good when we were finished. The only thing I did was to keep dragging the soil forward so Puppy's Pop could shovel it into my super wagon. Thank goodness we have the Dodge Ram and we were able to do the work ourselves. That Grampa is a hard worker. He wished Kiddo could have been here to help out. Kiddo would have really liked to go to Rawson's on Hopkin's Hill to get the Ram loaded up. He is also a good worker. Helped me rake a big pile of leaves. Natually he had to jump into them too but his work was stellar!

It's raining pretty hard and 40*. Time to finish reading the paper. (That's a joke.)

Quote: The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes. ___ Swift

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