Sunday, November 21, 2010

That's it . . .

OK. I quit. That's it. I've finally finished the garden for the year. I refuse to do anything else. Yesterday I cut down the peonies. I cut down the asparagi. I cut down the new raspberry plants. I cut down the old raspberry canes. I super mulched the dahlias I'm trying to make survive the winter. I raked leaves and now I've had it. Besides I walked my 2.1 miles in the wind at the Dog Track. Today I swear I will have a do nothing day: watch the UCONN women; watch the last race of the season; read and if Grampa decides he wants to go flying I'll walk. We'll have easy hot dogs and beans for supper. Sounds good to me. Time to get started. I've had breakfast and went to Mass so I'm raring to sit back, relax and enjoy the day.

Quote: Love and a cough cannot be hid. ___Herbert

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