Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Springtime in November . . .

It smells like early Spring here at the Rose Cottage. It is just after 9am and we have 56 degrees and quite sunny. I believe the rain is forecast for this afternoon but I'll appreciate the rain as the River is extremely low and I'm sure the winter rye could use some help. Grampa is off to East Hartford for horseshoes and I'm certain he'll be at the Dog Track when he returns to make up for the crashed flight yesterday. I felt awful as I watched his latest and one of his best planes just go straight in. But he is amazing because he's got it all back together again. It looked to me as if the wind just swept out from under the full fuselage plane and it fell like a brick. I don't know the proper terms to use to describe the accident but it looked terrible. I thought Grampa would call it quits after that but he brought out the Snow Fox and continued to fly in the windy conditions. Gotta love that man. Finished up some bank business today but couldn't get them to give me the 2011 calendar. Have to wait until Friday. They will not give them out before Thanksgiving. How bureaucratic. Have to be on my way to Groton and the dentist soon. Am not looking forward to another cap but "que sera sera." Mama always insisted we take good care of our teeth and so I'm trying to be a dutiful daughter! What an intelligent, sharp perceptive lady, that mother of ours!

Quote: Inviolable fidelity, good-humor, and complacency of temper, outlive all the charms of a fine face, and make the decays of it invisible. __Tatler

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