Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good day! à la Paul Harvey . . .

Started out with a morning call from England. Youngest has resigned her position with her majesty's health care system and now works for friends who have started their own business and were her former bosses! Now that is definitely very neat. She sounded great and so far, knock on wood, the Clio is behaving. She plans to trade it soon for a Honda Civic and we're keeping our fingers crossed that the Clio lasts long enough for her to trade it in. In other noteworthy news I made her turkey bean thingy for supper and it came out perfect and delicious. The Sally Lunn bread was a delectable accompaniment. Kudos to the daughter and the US chef are in order.

Heard back from my Backus Plainfield Center nurse and it was all good news. All the numbers for numerous vials of blood taken a few weeks ago have been great. The Synthroid is working well and I'm taking something new for my crazy stomach and it's also working well. Had a good visit from younger brother and his wife just as I was returning from Big Y. They'll be off in a few weeks for sunny Arizona. Good on them! Precisely the right time of year for the desert. Puppy's Pop won a couple of horseshoe games today so he's feeling pretty good.

I've got to change my profile shot on Facebook. Someone actually thought it was taken on our so beautifully decorated spiral staircase! Now that's funny!

Quote: Bachelor's wives and old maid's children are always perfect. ___Chamfort

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