Saturday, January 1, 2011

Improvement . . . not an iota in 2011 . . .

Where to start? How 'bout breakfast as usual and then the guys leave me to de-decorate the house while they go for glory being the first to fly at the Yankee Flyers' field in the New Year? How 'bout the beautiful dark, lustrous eyes of Kiddo's snowman askew while the carrot nose is on the ground and the sun has diminished the head so that his hat is on his cheeks? How 'bout wet stockinged feet when Puppy's Pop, never having learned in 67 years how to wipe his feet has left a path of soggy snow on the kitchen floor which I, who removes shoes to keep the floor clean, walk through? Hmmmmm . . . so there 2011. Do your best.

Thank goodness Kiddo and I went sliding yesterday because it is balmy today, 53 degrees. Grampa and I just returned from Groton and also stopped to fly and walk at the Sterling school. I had to remove my jacket and moseyed around in a sweatshirt. Must stop this soliloquy and get to the rest of the de-decorating.

Quote: To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living. __Amiel

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