Monday, January 3, 2011

Sogno di Sorrento Crema Lemoncello . . . woot!

Found out I can make 1000 piece puzzles easily if I have a nice pretty glass of iced Lemoncello to guide me. Wow, impressive job. But I must admit I had some help. Puppy's Pop really gave a big push at the end. I was aiming for completion in 10 days and finished in 8. ( I think he misses having room to eat on the kitchen table since I put in an extra leaf and leave the puzzle pieces spread out all over the place. So he may have an ulterior motive for working with me! Whatever the case may be I enjoy his company and help.)

Started out today with a good scrubbing of the house, washes, bedding, porch et cetera. Grampa had to go to a consultation with a root canal specialist and came home really down in the dumps. Our former dentist had only done one of the roots on a molar and now he will have to have it removed because it is really screwed up and can't be saved. I think that what hurts most of all is we trusted him and thought of him as a friend. We never realized that we were not receiving even adequate care. It's no wonder that he ended up not telling anyone he was quitting his practice. You feel as if some one kicked you in the stomach, some one you relied on to tell you the truth and do a proper job. It hurts to know we were duped and actually fell for it. A little late to be learning this lesson but what the heck. We'll soldier on.

We took time out for lunch at Java Jive in Woodstock. It was good to get out and about. I also walked in the house and listened to my audio book because although it was bright and sunny it was also very cold and windy as the devil. Will go food shopping tomorrow and pick up some ingredients for a recipe youngest child sent from England. I'd almost forgotten how much I had liked it when she made it for us. It's a haricot and turkey thingy. It was delicious. Perhaps I should also make a Sally Lunn bread. Sounds yummy to me.

Quote: Of all the vices to which human nature is subject, treachery is the most infamous and detestable, being compounded of fraud, cowardice, and revenge. The greatest wrongs will not justify it, as it destroys those principles of mutual confidence and security by which only society can subsist. __L. M. Stretch

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