Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Procrastination . . .

So I did procrastinate and took photos!

I'm getting good at finding all sorts of little endeavors to keep me from really doing the housework that I scheduled for today. I used to be so good at getting the housework done every Saturday when I was working, now it's a wonder if I get it somewhat completed every two weeks. So far I've got the bedding in the dryer, a wash in the washer, breakfast dishes cleaned, the first section of the Bulletin read, April itinerary sent to the kids, prescription refilled and two calls that went unanswered to the VA in Providence. I call them almost every month because they are always late with their billing and they always forget to also bill our insurance. Thank goodness I've found a very nice lady who generally takes care of everything for us. Perhaps they are not answering the phones today because yesterday was a holiday and today is an ice day. Amazingly bad weather today at 31 degrees and a freezing rain, after two inches of snow, that is coating the drive, the roads, the roof loaded with icicles and the snow laden trees that have not lost their snow loads since last week's storm dumped the 21 inches. I'm guessing that the sliding that we didn't do this past weekend because it was too difficult to pack the snow will be glare, tough, slippery, dangerous sliding by Friday. Not sure I will be able to let the Kid slide down on the crust from the top of the hill. He'd surely make it down to the wall and into the road in record time and pull an "eldest child" drop over the wall. What a mess is Mother Nature inflicting on us, mere mortals. I was thinking of taking some pictures of the icicles hanging over the living room door but at this point I find them depressing and certain,y not a harbinger of Spring.

I'm procrastinating so well that I think I may even bring out the 500 piece puzzle that younger brother's wife left for me. It's a work of art in all shades of pink! But since Puppy's Pop would probably go apoplectic I may have to consider some other ruse to keep me from my rounds of dusting and vacuuming. Mayhap I could set it up on my cardboard puzzle tray and remove it from the table when he comes up from his lair? Bonne idée!

Quote: Nature is commanded by obeying her. ____Bacon

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