Friday, November 28, 2014

Best Turkey . . .

Yuppers! Gotta hand it to son-in-law; he roasted up the best turkey of the year. The meat was tender, tasty and downright salubrious. I've never been very good at turkey and so I was delighted when middle child called and said they were in charge of Thanksgiving this year. Phew. I only made two pies and a bread; the rest is a delicious history with no clean up plus two really sweet young men at the table. One for the books, I say.

Son-in-law called his brother in Florida to wish them a happy day and also wanted to speak with his sister and her son who had flown to Florida for a family/Disney visit. But to his surprise she wasn't there. Seems she had tickets to fly out of Bradley in Connecticut and tried to get on the plane in Warwick, RI at T.F. Greene. Made for a real mess picking her up in Florida! I think she hung around Providence and managed to get a late afternoon flight. Hope they all knew what airport she would be landing at. It's just funny as heck because she is a perfectionist, although it sounds like something I am capable of.

Will send out some early Christmas cards this year letting all and sundry know that we've cut out all presents except for four kiddos. I'm not sure what has possessed me to do this but I think the commercialization of this peaceful, family day has taken the 'buying gifts' out of me. It seems to trivialize the beauty of Christmas so we'll have our usual family feast, a tree and cards and call it quits. I'll get myself to the Children's Mass too.

Be leaving shortly to pick up Kiddo for his Frication. Hope he remembers to pack a snowsuit and boots. It's 34 and windy but the hill looks good for sliding. I shall watch only. Don't want to risk breaking my neck coming down at breakneck speed!

Quote:  The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.   _____Johnson

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