Sunday, November 2, 2014

Holy cow . . .

Rosie O'Grady
Just grabbed the iPad, walked by the kitchen windows and a monster slew of Common Grackles flew away. They had covered the feeders, the ground, the trees - yuck. They must recognize my movement in the house because they took off like bats out of hades. I usually chase them with a broom! They usually just go into the trees up on the hill and taunt me but I'm pretty tenacious too and run up and shoo them off so today they just moved out and kept flying. Finally some progress was made. 'would be nice if we could get rid of our greedy, nasty, grabby, noisome, pitiless, rotten, curmudgeonly politicians as easily. I fear there will be so many illegal votes cast Tuesday that the enemy will continue in office and our middle class selves will continue the slide into extinction. Not sure what the power brokers will do when we no longer exist to boost their egos and power. Scary thought!

Wow, hadn't planned on going into my disgust with the state of  Connecticut but there it is. Will be going to see younger sister Wednesday. I always look forward to our visits. We'll stop in at the Harvest in Simsbury and pick up our delectable large cupcake for dessert after we visit the cemetery in Newington to check up on her husband. We haven't been in quite some time. It is a beautiful resting place; well cared for.  Then we'll go to lunch at our favorite eatery near her home. It's always a pleasant visit and renews my faith. She reminds me that most people are kind, generous, sweet and undemanding.

Quote: What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.   ___H.W. Beecher

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