Monday, November 3, 2014

Tumbling down the Bluebird trail . . .

Bluebird came visiting this morning.  It's a good thing Grampa sees things for me!
P&D's Pop invited me to walk the Bluebird Trail this afternoon. I've never been with him to check out the Bluebird boxes. It's a pretty impressive hike by my standards. I was surprised by how steep it is. Three of the eight boxes had mice in them so P&D's Pop cleaned them out. It's a good crisp day for a walk in the woods. We saw at least four of his Bluebirds in the trees as we passed. It's a good thing I didn't take my camera because I came slipping and sliding down a steep slope on the thick bed of fallen leaves. Scared myself but although I may have a black and blue right hip and a sore right shoulder tomorrow I seem to be in one piece. We'll just have to take a less steep walk home next time. I really do want to go back. It was good to be out in the woods and meadows.

Went to the children's Mass yesterday. I don't think you're supposed to laugh that hard in church. Oh my goodness. The children sing quite well but there is one songster that drowns out the rest along with the entire community and she sings off key. I had trouble keeping the laughter inside. It was awful. Not sure why you would let one child ruin  some of the songs. I really think she should be signaled to quiet down and let other voices be heard and perhaps it wouldn't be so gruesome.  After Mass I always drive by our old homestead on the chance that our great-nephew or niece might be outside and I'd stop to say hello. It has never happened yet but I still like the drive. Mr. Walker's house is for sale. I wonder if he has gone to live in an assisted living home? He must be in his late eighties.

Quote:  Kindness is the only charm permitted to the aged; it is the coquetry of white hair.   ___Feuillet  (Ha!)

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