Sunday, November 30, 2014

Unholy way to begin this day . . .

Not the Bluebird!
Can't believe I've just spent about three quarters of an hour cleaning shit off of one of my favorite pairs of shoes. I made a huge mistake yesterday when I was so excited about the Bluebirds that I decided to make them a treat and I put out some peanut butter with raisins and mealworms in a flattish dish on the big outcropping near their box. I also put out some very expensive special bird food and dried mealworms in another dish also on the rock. I checked them out after breakfast this morning and both had been licked clean. I came in the house to clean up the pans and P&D's Pop noticed the mess I made when I wiped my feet on the old towel I leave by the door. It was the worst mess I've smelled or seen in many years. I had to flush the bottom of the shoe outside with high pressure from the faucet and then brush like hades to get it perfectly clean; then I threw everything that had touched the right shoe away. Horrid, horrid horrid. To top it off I didn't think it was a fox that made the mess. As I'm writing this blog I saw Soldier, who never goes past the driveway and . . . yep, he was checking out the place where the flat bottomed pans had been! And yep, I'm sure it was dog shit I stepped in and it was he who came here and didn't bother to stop at the door for his regular snack. I yelled at him and made him go home and the tĂȘte de merde stopped in the middle of our property on his side of our house and pooped. He never used to poop here, peed yes, but there's a newish dog in the neighborhood and the people let him out and I have to chase him away from this yard whenever I see him because he poops here too. I think I'll ban Soldier who seems to be following the new dog's lead. No more snacks. I hate having to watch out in my own yard for dog messes. Still ticked off,

Well that's a load off my mind. Ha. Having a good weekend other than stepping in it. Kiddo went sliding Friday and that's a good thing because it's already 50 degrees at 9 of the clock in the morning and the melting is audible. He beat me at every game we played this weekend but Grampa managed to beat us at the newest iteration of Monopoly. He, Grampa, was tickled pink! Kiddo is turning out to be a pretty good sport and though losing is not fun it isn't a big deal. While he was playing his concert for me yesterday the Bluebirds showed up so I had to go take some photos while they graced us with their presence.  After bringing him back to Groton we stopped at Gus's Pub in Plainfield for lunch thanks to Grampa's gift certificate. Food was fine and since they only have beer and wine I tried a Bud Light Lime-a-Rita: surprisingly good, stronger than I expected but definitely drinkable.

Time to think about getting ready for late Mass.

Quote:  Narrow-minded and ignorant persons talk about persons and not things; hence gossip is the bane and disgrace of so large a portion of society.  ___George Eliot

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