Lemur. Last of the Bronx Zoo photos. Will be going back to Alaska.
Yep, Sundays will never be the same. I've loved reading the Providence Journal on Sundays because the Norwich Bulletin is just too inane. But Projo is no longer being distributed in Connecticut! "Incroyable!" I've written to them but I doubt that I'll even get an answer to the email. I was paying a whopping $3 per week just for that one day of relaxation with the messy old newsprint. My hands would be black but I loved the tactile experience, so enjoyable. As a teenager I was captivated by the Sunday New York Times and so it seems that the nostalgia has come to an end. I can not get myself to read or buy the Times. It gets me ticked off too easily. Today I had to settle for the New London Day. It wasn't too bad but I'll miss Projo.
I thought that this article was pretty good. Makes me want some Pinot Noir! The label is so cool! I'll have to see if I can find the wine nearby! Gotta keep those California vintners busy!
Don't forget the Perseid meteor shower. It will be at its peak Wednesday, August 12 before dawn! If I remember I'll go and lie down on the rock by the garden and enjoy the theatrics but I think that will have to be Tuesday night because I can't imagine getting up before dawn even for the best part of the show.
Quote: A journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. --Napoleon
Quote: As a mental discipline the reading of newspapers is hurtful. --What can be worse for the mind than to think of forty things in ten minutes.--T. T. Munger
Interesting thoughts. Should be applied to on line news, blogs, twits etc.