Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Day!

Beautiful camellias in the cafeteria.

Happy Birthday super Grandson! Five years old is a wonderful age, so much to see, so much to do, so much to learn, so many to love, so many who love you! I know I'm waxing exuberant about a child but I think that children are the best part of the human race! But we certainly do have to drag them up well and love them forever!

Had to see the eye doctor today. This dry eye is obnoxious but I've got enough different drops that I should expect to be cured! Of course you can only really alleviate the symptoms but that's fine with me. Just a minor annoyance.

The weather is so bad that I took out a puzzle and have it all over the dining room table! Friends gave it to me as a joke, I think. It's one thousand pieces, rather smallish ones! and it's of a lighthouse in the winter! Hard work!

Quote: Mediocrity is excellent to the eyes of mediocre people. --Joubert

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

There's a lot of perceived excellence down 'round here.