Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photo seems to cool things off

Only 75 degrees at 9am and not as humid as it has been lately. I've opened the windows! Wanted to get some fresh air in the house even though it's not too cool out. Even have some pep today! I've realized that the humidity is what gets to me. Hopefully some dryer weather will get here after it pushes the storm off of the coast!

Had a nice phone call yesterday while we were out scrounging dye for the El Camino seat belts! Middle child had called and wanted us to go with them to Riverview. I called them the minute we got in and said a really big "Yes!" I was in no mood to cook and did want to go out and have a nice Margarita. We had a cool dinner and even grandson ate like a champ!

We may be taking the El Camino to the Vermont Car Show in September instead of the Hot Rod. It will give us a chance to see how everything is working before we venture South this Fall.

Quote: Truth provokes those it does not convert. -- Bp. Wilson


2Evil4U said...

Sounds like a plan. Any idea on the dates yet?

Qu'que chose said...

I'll have to get Puppy's Pop to figure it out!

Qu'que chose said...

PS Perhaps you could let us know what the best time would be. It would be neat if we made it when you get a Friday off or some such. In any case I'll be back to you at some point in time! It does look like it'll be in October if that's OK with you guys.