Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An extremely rare occurrence

Last evening we sat down to a delicious dinner; tender,moist perfectly pan fried pork chops and fresh green and yellow beans with new potatoes buttered and seasoned. Of course there were fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from our garden along with a nice white wine. What was unique? This is the first time in my entire life that I had to cook garden fresh beans that had been given to me by someone else! Never in my life have I not eaten green beans from our own garden whether when I was little on Highland Extension or since we've lived on the other side of the tracks (that no longer exist!) I've never bought fresh beans, ever! So, I'll soon be tearing out the Italian climbing beans that climbed to their hearts content and only gave us 24 beans. Next year I'll go back to bush beans! I miss them! Thank God for friends with gardens!

Puppy's Pop did a very good deed today. He brought home the vulgar flag that someone had raised on the mound of debris at the Dog Track. Being the practical man that he is he took their flagpole, a very nice long pcv pipe, and has also made the flag into nice rags for use in the garage. He did leave the long metal rod that they had stuck into the mound to hold up the pipe. They had used fishing line for ties. Pretty well done, actually. I'm sure they'll be disappointed but at least those of us who just like to enjoy the area will be happier now! After clambering up the volcano (that's grandson's name for the pile) Puppy's Pop found an easier way up on the back. There's practically a road for three fourths of the way to the top. So he came back down more easily.

Quote: Men do less than they ought, unless they do all that they can. --Carlyle

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