Saturday, August 29, 2009

Surprisingly good day!

View from Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC with our ship off to the right.

Horrible torrential downpours can ruin just about any day but not today! We took grandson out to Lizzy B's this morning and there was no room for us! Yikes! A nice couple we've seen there quite often had us sit with them (huge booth like place!) Grampa and the man were so busy talking cars and hot rods etc. and the lady's daughter is at LSU so we had alot to talk about. Grandson was good playing with his Bakugan and breakfast was really good even though the owner's son was doing the cooking while his mother took a vacation in Ireland. Great start.

We brought grandson home a bit early because the end of the year Horseshoe Picnic was today. I was almost depressed because the weather was, of course, terrible as I've already pointed out. We took all kinds of jackets, towels, raincoats etc. and arrived at the Jogues Club in Coventry, RI for 11:30am. There were no cars that we recognized so I decided to call our home answering machine to see if something had changed. YES! The Picnic was changed to indoors at the NAPA store. They have a huge back room with one horseshoe pit and lots of room for tables and chairs. We had a superior day even though Grampa lost at horseshoes and I lost at cribbage, even got skunked! The meal was great and the company was super. Nice way to spend a rainy Saturday in New England.

Quote: The most utterly lost of all days, is that in which you have not once laughed. --Chamfort

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