Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Even the buildings are beautiful

The thunderstorm last night did not cool things off! Just came back from walking and flying at the Dog Track and it was a chore to make three rounds. I was intrigued by a flag waving atop the huge pile of debris that has been in the parking lot since the buildings had been bulldozed. Much to my consternation some one took the time to make up an extremely vulgar flag that included the bible and a "not biblical" saying and picture. Pretty nasty! I met a lady walking her dog and she wanted to go up and take it down. But she didn't because it's really too dangerous for people of a certain age to be trying to run up and down an enormous mound of crushed cement, rocks, dirt and rebar. I always want to think the best of people but this put a crimp in my thinking about young thugs. Just a bit too crude even for Plainfield. The owners may just lock the place up again.

Check this out! Connecticut at its finest! Too funny! Wish I had been there.

I'm fighting with the VA Bureaucracy and the Stirling Bureaucracy. Two calls yesterday to the VA billing department (it's in Timbuktu!) and two calls to Stirling & Stirling, our medical insurance after Medicare and I'm still in limbo. But I started out today on a good note. I did get hold of a nice lady at the VA in Providence and she's going to fight our battle for us. It's only for $100 but we can't just let Stirling not pay their share of expenses. Of course both sides are blaming the other side. The VA in Timbuktu says we have to pay now or else they'll tack on late fees but the VA in Providence told me to just pay the $8 of the $108 on the bill. I'm going with Providence!

Quote: The vulgarity of inanimate things requires time to get accustomed to; but living, breathing, bustling, plotting, planning, human vulgarity is a species of moral ipecacuanha enough to destroy any comfort. --Carlyle

ipecacuanha - a plant that induces vomiting

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