Friday, August 7, 2009

Keeping with the Greens/Battery Charging Day

What a day! Grandson kept me busy, busy, busy. Went to his home for 8am and he said we should eat breakfast in today. We did! He dressed himself and we took off on his scooter,me trying to keep up on foot?!, for his Dad's Garage. After a nice visit we had to leave and stop at all of the places in between! That meant at least one playground ( there are three!) and a trip around his new school! Yes, he starts kindergarten at the end of this month! Then we had to swim in the pool! (I find it hard to believe but I actually put on a bathing suit (yes it still fits and hasn't fallen apart!) and we played around in the cool but clean water for a while before we had to warm up in the sun on the swings, slides and cool submarine with a periscope!! Then we were off to McD's for lunch. After lunch this young one, deep in thought, with his head leaning on his right hand thought it might be a good idea to go to the book store??? (Where ever do these young ones get these weird ideas?) So off we went to Borders where he immediately found a bargain extravaganza (Color Blast!) and then inside to pick out a book too! Tried to get away with at least three or four different books but I held him to two items!! (Tough job!) We had a blast!

Cool part II! Came home to a nice supper, a well manicured yard, a clean bathroom and groceries already put away! I told you, life is good!

Quote: If you are but content you have enough to live upon with comfort. --Plautus

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Sounda like a nice day. I just go tback from about 200 miles in the woods around here and Mississippi.