Thursday, April 28, 2016

My very own . . .

Magnolia in the rain
We just finished lunch out on the porch - my very own version of a muffuletta with Lays' regular chips, death by chocolate cupcake bites and iced tea. While shopping this morning I decided to buy a  jar of Italian Olive Salad made in Kenner, LA. That spurred me into buying some thinly sliced baked ham and provolone cheese. The rest is history. I toasted the white whole wheat slices of bread and it was delicious - no more Rouses' minis! I don't think I'll go as far as getting a panini press but, come to think of it we may have a waffle maker that has some plain inserts and that would work as well. I'll have to search the house as I still don't know where everything is.

Received an email from my cribbage playing cousin in Moosup and she told me that she and her sister were going to put flowers on my parents' and little sister's grave for Memorial Day. That touched my heart. I wanted to ask someone to do that for me but I wasn't sure who to ask with out giving them an obligation that might be bothersome. They are nice angels helping me out.

P&D's Pop's friend will be stopping in shortly so I think I'll be going inside. It's easier for them to visit out here on the porch; I don't mind being a part of their conversation but since it's mainly about planes, contests, cars and conservatives I enjoy being in the air conditioned house reading my historical novels.

The Magnolia in the front yard is blooming. I hope one of the blossoms is going to be low enough for me to pick and bring in the house. They smell so good. While Grampa was flying after the heavy rains this morning I puttered around the yard with my trusty weedwacker. Phew, that's hot work. I only stepped in one fire ant hill! I got the special fire ant poison and sprinkled them and then found another hill to sprinkle. I don't think they like the rain. They were very active. I only noticed them because I got bit on the foot - they hurt. When I grabbed my shoe to shake it out I got bit on the hand - nasty suckers.

Quote:  Flattery is a base coin which gains currency only from our vanity.   ______LaRouchefoucauld

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

That's it . . . No more going out twice a week for breakfast . . .

Wild beauty
Nope we will no longer indulge in twice weekly breakfasts; we have opted for Sunday breakfast and lunch at Randazzo's once a week depending on their specials. P&D's Pop had their spaghetti and meatballs with a Stella Artois and I had Speck (Italian cured ham) fresh mozzarella, grilled red peppers on a fresh ciabatta bread with unsweetened iced tea. We shared the best Tiramisu ever for desert. I had teasingly told the young waitress to bring two spoons, a big one for me and a little one for P&D's Pop. I laughed when she brought out the beautifully plated Tiramisu and handed me a large serving spoon and old Pop got a teaspoon. I had to explain that I had been kidding so she went to get me a regular teaspoon. Gee, I've got to stop fooling around. These young people have no clue - she really didn't do it as part of a joke - she was dead serious about giving a customer what she asked for. So . . . yeah . . . I guess that's commendable in a hokey sort of way.

Henry and Rich, the carpenters that put up The Shed, are at their latest job across the street getting the forms set for one of our neighbor's new garage. I'm glad they were able to pick up so much work from our shed building. We do live in a fine neighborhood. We drove down a new street on the way back from South Park today, Wax Road. Wow, what an impressive neighborhood is that! Most of the homes are located on a spectacular golf course. I guess there is some money in Denham Springs. Lots of new stuff going up all over the place. I believe we are very lucky to have found our home for a reasonable price. I spoke with Alicia, our closest neighbor, last night and she was telling me that she and her 18 year old daughter will be leaving soon for an 8 day Girl Scout get together in Switzerland. They were warned to make sure to be in good shape for the outings they will be making in the Alps so she's been running with her app every evening in our neighborhood. They even went to Amite to run some hills which cracked me up. She laughed with me because the hills in Amite are not hills; they are very low mounds and if you are running on them you don't even realize that you are going up or down! She's very nice and offered to get me in touch with a homeschooling group of  moms who hire people to come in to teach things like foreign language to their offspring.

I was telling her how long it was taking for Immaculate Conception to get back to me about volunteer work in their Early Childhood Education Center. Alicia explained that she belongs to ICC and went to one of her daughter's religious Ed classes where she was appalled at the rudeness of many of the kids in the classes. She said it was no wonder ICC wanted me to volunteer in the religious ed classes rather than the Early Childhood Ed. I explained how I don't want to teach but only help out in any small ways they would choose. It'll be interesting to see if or when I get a call. The summer bible school program has already asked for my help but I explained that I would not teach religion - will not do it.  Since I'm in no hurry to get to work and since school here is almost done for the year I may just wait for the Fall classes to begin and offer my services to St. Jean Vianney parish off of O'Neil . They have schooling from preschool through 12th Grade. That may be a better fit for me, that is if they even want this old lady volunteer!

Quote:  There is no place so high that an ass laden with gold cannot reach it. ___Rojas

Monday, April 25, 2016

One of my most foolish photos yet . . .

My red and white bird
Yep, there's still time to outdo myself in craziness but today's episode is one for the blogosphere. I reluctantly took my camera to South Park this morning but I refuse to carry it around my neck. I put the lens cover in my pocket and wrapped the neck strap around my left hand which made for a not bad way to carry it and walk at a fairly good pace. Of course I stopped often today as there were quite a few birds to attempt to get in some decent photos. I was tickled when I saw this lovely looking red and white bird trying to get some bites of food out of one of the garbage barrels. I even went down on my knees and kept getting closer to it as I was clicking away. As I kept getting closer and it wasn't flying away, as most intelligent creatures do, it dawned on me that I have oodles and oodles of photos of a red and white piece of paper flapping in the morning breeze. I was laughing so hard I almost fell down. Glad there was no one around to call the people with straight jackets to haul me away. That was one of the funniest episodes I've accomplished yet.

On our return to the house we picked up some money and headed to Stine's to get some more and different wild bird food. I would really like to entice the Painted Buntings to our yard. They are here in Louisiana all summer but I've yet to see any buntings. I've only seen an Indigo Bunting twice in Connecticut. I did get a photo of one, not a good photo but proof that I had seen one. The Painted Buntings do not go that far north. P&D's Pop rearranged the feeders and food so now we'll just play a waiting game. A few birds are taking occasional baths in the birdbath. I change the water every day and a few are also stopping in for a drink or two. Pretty neat.

Quote:  The treasures of the deep are not so precious as are the concealed comforts of a man locked up in woman's love. ______Middleton

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unusually perfect weather . . .

Got up and it was 56 degrees and ended up at 80 degrees with a soft, dry breeze the whole live long day. Can't beat this weather. Big Kiddo came for a visit and straightened out my printer, did some odds and ends in The Shed and best of all he and Grampa put the notorious swing back up before P&D's Pop offered to take us to lunch at Randazzo's Market. We had some excellent food à l'italienne and the service was top notch with the owners' seven year old son helping with the drinks, menus, cleaning and schmoozing with customers as he inquired if customers had enjoyed their food. It's too bad Big Kiddo's wifey was home sick but I think that the next time we may all be able to talk P&D's Pop into lunch at the Seafood and Steak Place on Magnolia Bridge. It's supposed to be pretty good Cajun stuff.

Later in the afternoon, after Big Kiddo left for home, we took a ride East on Pete's Highway, South on 55, West on I12, Florida and Juban. The place names are poetic - Greenwell Springs, Watson, Indian Mound, Dennis Mills, Montpelier, Independence, Tickfaw, Natalbany, Hammond, Albany, Holden, Livingston, Satsuma, Walker, Denham Springs, St. Helena, Tangipahoa. We did roll up a few hills, a first for us in our new home Louisiana. Blue skies, bright sunshine, clean, dry breeze as we rolled past miles and miles of open land made me realize how fortunate we are to live in this beautiful United States. We passed few homes but each was distinctively personal to the inhabitants of said homes. The best part was seeing a few very old, rusty trailers with their neat, beautiful gardens of flowers and vegetables. There is a love of place here that strikes me as different from Connecticut. Yes there are mean, trashy areas as there are mean and trashy human beings wherever you roam on this big beautiful blue marble but there is more warmth, love and beauty than trash. Being in love with God's Earth is good. Now we have to work at teaching all living, thinking creatures to appreciate what He has created.

Okay, time to get off of my preachy soapbox. But I do like it here. Having built in family and friends has helped to bridge the gap - we went from home Moosup to home Denham Springs and all is as it should be.

Quote:  To Adam paradise was home. --To the good among his descendants, home is paradise.     ____Hare

Friday, April 22, 2016

At South Park by 8am . . .

Damn we're good. We were at the park by 8 this morning and I purposely didn't take my camera because it slows me down or I slow down because of it! When  I'm carrying it I am always looking for stuff to photograph so I have an excuse to mosey, saunter, amble, shuffle, stop, look, listen instead of power walking. (That's another joke - power walking.) Bien sûr the Red-headed Woodpecker was sitting on the 15 mph sign as I took my first lap. Yes, I slowed, I stopped and he just sat there in all of his beauteousness for my admiration and admire him I did. Finally I kept walking and he flew off. And then, naturellement on my second lap around he was back in place on the sign; this time he was facing me, accusing me of being a dodo bird for not taking his photo as he graciously posed for me once again. Really, I should just call it quits for photographing Mother Nature. I'm never prepared even when I'm prepared because I'm too lazy to study how to use my camera properly, when I do take it with me. Oy vay! As I sit here on the porch the hummingbirds are taunting me too.

Last evening was pretty spectacular. I had promised a drummer friend of mine that I would tape the rain falling on the tin roof so I worked on doing just that but the rain wasn't too cooperative although I did get a short video with sound but not the crazy rain sounds we had when we moved here in February. As I continued to video and record the hummers flew in for their evening snack and I did manage to get a pretty decent video of them with the slight drumming of the rain for background music. As I was downloading the videos to the computer I glanced out the window at the pink sky. Wow, I had to grab the camera and rush out to shoot the sunset which was peachy keen and on turning around to go back in the front door I looked up and there was a rainbow above the house. I kid you not - gorgeous sunset and a rainbow at the same time. It probably happens in Moosup too but since it's so hilly up there I never saw it.

I think I'll check online if there is a pocket camera, not a phone, I can buy and just shove in my pocket so I'll be prepared when my red-headed friend poses for me again. Of course he may have given up on me as untrustworthy and a pain in the derrière to boot!

Before returning home we stopped at Walmart and picked up a few odds and ends one of which was a made in the USA yellow plastic Bath and Sink Snare our eldest Kiddo had told us about. Oh my goodness, in many ways the thought of using this long yellow sharp toothed snare made me shudder because I hate smelly, gross drains but the guest tub needed cleaning and this  neat tool did the job; gross stuff came out of the drain but it did come out in record time. What a difference there is now. It is a tool I will certainly keep in the house although I may not need it again for quite some time. I used it on the sinks but they were fine. That was a phenomenally fine find thanks to our engineer. You can't buy a cheaper tool than that to clean out slow drains - $2.50. Every home should have one - it should be in every real estate broker's care package for new homeowners!

Quote:  None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.    ____Goethe

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Think I've figured it out . . .

South Park Blue Jay
Not that it matters to anyone but me and admittedly I can get carried away when I don't feel well but I think that I was feeling so terrible a few days ago because I had food poisoning. Sounds odd perhaps but about four years ago I was very sick after going to a party where I ate part of a wild game hamburger which was not well done and got terribly ill. My stomach and whole body were in turmoil and I was so weak as to be dysfunctional. The stomach doctor told me to never eat wild game and if I had to it had to be very well done because the pills I take for acid reflux don't let my body fight the nasty stuff that can be found in all raw meats but especially in game. In any case I ate a very rare steak this week and I don't think I'll do that again - it'll have to be medium, just a touch of light pink from now on. Of course I may be all wet but my body is just getting over whatever attacked my innards and I'm not messing around with rare ever again - so I guess this will be fair warning that my holiday roast beasts shall be cooked to medium! Then again I suppose I can always ask P&D's Pop to throw my slice of roast on the grill! That sound pretty good too.

Went to South Park today sans camera so I could get in a good steady walk. It was a perfect day except for flying control line! There was no wind at all and it seems you do need a bit of wind or you fly through your own air currents and that makes for rough flying! Lots of Blue Jays today, nothing fancy, although at the speed I was zipping around the walking path I may have missed some important birds! (That's a joke.) P&D's Pop just invited me to lunch so we'll see if a Margarita will be good for what had been ailing me.

Kiddo is on vacation in Connecticut this week. I think his Mom will be working from home for a few days; I'm sure he'll be glad for her company. Hoping he'll get here for a couple of days in June before we head up to Connecticut for a week in July. I really do miss him but he's growing up so fast that maybe he'll be able to come and spend some time with us. Maybe his couple of days in June will give him an idea if he could stand being with us full time for a week or more! Well, I'm getting hungry so I think I'll bug Grampa and see if we can get some lunch.

Back from lunch at Moe's Southwest Grill.  Not impressed even a little - certainly not my cup of tea although their unsweetened tea is good. Don't always realize that many of the fast food restaurants here are pick your own poison and then sit down and eat!  I really prefer someone waiting on me!  Spoiled I am!  Besides there wasn't even the hint of a Margarita! So . . . Grampa and I found out that a burrito is okay, just not great!

Quote:  Experience is the shroud of illusions.    ____Finod

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How low can you go . . . pretty damned low . . .

The nefarious porch swing
This is so exciting
Not sure why but yesterday I felt as if I had just returned home from that long stay in Hartford Hospital. But whatever it was I was over it this morning. Had a great breakfast with my best friend and help meet at IHOP before returning home and being so full of pep I finished trimming the yard with my Black&Decker weedwacker; hand weeded the front bushes; squashed the mud bug chimneys  and proceeded to cut back two bushes in the front of the house that were just scraggly, tall uglies before I also attacked all of the Crape Myrtles and cut off all of the suckers. I also planted the Sun Parasol Mandevilla, filled up the bird feeders and bagged all of the sticks I had lobbed off of the trees.  Thinking to cool off a little before going in the house I sat on my porch swing and as I relaxed and was swinging to my heart's content it dumped me on the cement floor. I was heartbroken and cried like a baby; hell I'm crying now as I relive the moment. P&D's Pop is off to the Hyundai dealer to have the Hyundai serviced so I was alone in my ignominious fall. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was on my back but I jumped right up and walked around to make sure I was intact. So far all I seem to have is a bruise on the front of my lower left leg and a somewhat sore back. I cried my way through a hot shower, put on a new blue skirt and white sleeveless blouse before coming out here to the back porch to eat lunch: Baskin Robbins Chocolate/Peanut Butter Ice Cream and unsweetened iced tea. Feeling better but still really pissed that this is the second time that swing drops me and bungs me up. I must have a swing so we'll see what safety features I need before I indulge in getting a new one or manage to put this one up safely although I think I may have to buy a special frame for it. It's a good thing I've already walked my two miles today because I'm not in the mood to do anything at this time! I almost forgot we saw a bluebird checking out the new house. Hope he brings his wifey and they choose to make their home here!

Quote:  Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his actions, when his existence is irretrievably under the control of destiny.   ____Goethe

Friday, April 15, 2016

Yuppers, I like the griddle . . .

Up early this morning, had a quick bite to eat before we left for Central to get some money for the week. We stopped at Clegg's and bought a Mandevilla, a beautiful Sun Parasol, to try to entice the Hummingbirds to land on the pink flowers so I can get some really good photos. So far the hummers have come and they just sit on the string above the plant. This is definitely going to be a waiting game!

Oldest Kiddo and his wife are here so he can help P&D's Pop with sheetrocking The Shed. That place will be like a little paradise before long. They didn't want to eat lunch, only asked for coffee but I have wanted to use the griddle on my new gas stove for quite some time. I made the coffee and proceeded to use the fancy Bisquick recipe for pancakes on the griddle. I impressed myself. They came out great and it's so easy to clean up. I had one bottle of maple syrup from our Moosup neighbors and cousins which I poured into a bowl. So we just stood around the center counter and dunked the role-polies into the syrup. Delicious and easy if I do say so myself. Will have to do that more often. Will probably make Cajun sausage with red beans and rice for dinner. The LSU gymnastics team is on TV today so I may take a peak. I used to love watching gymnastics but still wince when I think someone is going to fall off of the beam.

Quote:  Improvable reason is the distinction between man and the animal.  ___T. Binney

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Experimenting . . .

Mockingbird on the wire
Not sure how we can stay so occupied but we've already put in a pretty good day. Got up, had breakfast went to South Park where P&D's Pop flew two new planes, one electric and one he just finished building, gas. While he was flying I walked the perimeter of the park. Good grief, these parks are all different yet still offer the same amenities. It is beautiful to be here in Denham Springs and vicinity. While walking I stopped several times to watch a Red-headed Woodpecker eating bugs on the trees next to the walking path and I saw two absolutely beautiful, good sized reddish birds eating bugs on the grass. They had no qualms with my being quite close to them. Since I had no idea what kind of birds they were I asked a fairly youngish, Safari-hatted man if he knew what kind of birds they were. After careful analysis he looked at me and said, " They're red. The second one is the female." And off he walked. What is so odd is he wasn't joking with me; he was dead serious. When we got home I looked them up in my trusty Louisiana/Mississippi Birdbook and found out that they were Brown Thrashers. According to the book they sing more than the Mockingbirds and have better songs. So I hope P&D's Pop decides he wants to fly again some nice morning at South Park and and I'll lug my camera with me.

After that we took off for Port Allen, across the mighty Mississippi to Cou-Yon's Barbecue-Seafood-Potatoes. Wow, it's quite a place. Good thing we arrived about 10:45 because as soon as we ordered they were slammed. I think they get slammed every day. There were so many take out orders and many more people coming in to get a head start on lunch. I had barbecued ribs, macaroni and cheese with coleslaw and Texas toast with unsweetened iced tea while P&D's Pop had a three decker Texas toast sandwich with different barbecued meats and a side of odd hot potato salad and coke. We decided to go there because a friend who helped wire The Shed would not take any money for his eight hour day's work so we got him a gift certificate to Couyon's. I know they like it there because his wife showed it to me as we were driving to Lake Martin for our swamp tour.

Now that we're home and not going out again today I decided to experiment with the Ginger Beer I bought, non alcoholic, and the Strawberry Louisiana Whiskey I got at the Ponchatula Strawberry Festival. I mixed about 1/3 of a water glass with 1/3 ginger beer and 1/3 crushed ice and 1/3 Strawberry Whiskey. P&D's Pop is working in his shop while I'm out here on the porch blogging. I have to keep adding ice to my experiment. It's okay but a bit too strong and in particular, too sweet for me. Since we mustn't waste anything I'll drink it up but it'll probably take another full glass of crushed ice to make it go down slowly and smoothly. Suffer I must.

Quote:  The root of all discontent is self-love.   _____J.F. Clarke

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Whoa, that's a lot of dust . . .

White Violets
Not sure what possessed me but after my 50 minute workout with Leslie Sansone I suddenly had to dust this southern home. Well, can you believe it took me two Swiffer Dusters to get the job done! I only ever used one in Moosup! I bet I could go back in the house and go over it with a third Swiffer and still clean off some dust. Phew! The thought of dusting once a week is not comforting. I may just let it go for a few weeks as I obviously have and buy extra Swiffers!

I think part of all the energy I'm feeling today is because we're waiting to hear from Middle Child. (Had to stop typing as a hummer landed on the line for a little rest before attacking the feeder and I must watch her. It's one of those things I just must do each and every time one of the little stinkers comes around and I am cameraless.) I remember waiting for the telephone call way back when she was at Backus waiting for Kiddo to be born. I was such a wreck that I scrubbed the kitchen floor most of the afternoon even pulling the fridge out and triple or quadruple scrubbing under it. So perhaps this is a throwback to that time! After all I am in waiting mode! Not her fault either time - babies come when ready and jobs direct how you spend your days.

A breeze has come up and dried out the muggy air we started with this morning. Feels nice outside on the porch.

Quote:  I don't believe in the goodness of disagreeable people.  ______O. Dewey

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Canticle of the Sun

My friend A... is in the second photo from the top holding my Strawberry Daiquiri so I can take photos!
Mass was beautiful, comfortable, peaceful, calm, sonorous, jubilant this fine Sunday. I had never heard the Canticle of the Sun and I liked it very much. The lyrics show an appreciation of God's perfection in nature - no real mention of the imperfection of mankind! Returned home to the 1937 Ford looking magnificent parked in the driveway while Daytona Puppy, Oldest Kiddo and P&D's Pop where lounging on the back porch. And to top it off Connecticut Kiddo Facetimed me and we took turns at Brain Quest 7.  Just a bit after noon and my day runneth over.

Tomorrow or Tuesday or both days Middle Child will be here for the first time as she has work to do in Baton Rouge. We're so glad that she'll be here and mayhap the next work related visit our Kiddo will be able to fly down with her and stay with us while she works. Such good ideas coming to fruition. Making me smile a whole heck of a lot.

The birthday party yesterday was at another fantabulous park, this one in Zachary. I spent most of my time walking around the beautiful grounds and stopping by to watch a Little League game. I've never seen parks as well kept as the parks in Louisiana. These kids can even play under the lights!  And Friday's trip to Ponchatula for the Strawberry Festival was an eye opener. My friend A... and I ate lunch at Paul's Cafe and it was another superior meal - onion rings and a catfish sandwich with unsweetened iced tea. We drank our Strawberry Daiquiris for desert besides adding in some stuffed beignets and a huge strawberry on a thick bed of dark chocolate filled with a custard. It was so big I needed the little spoon to eat it properly!  I'll put up some of the photos I took because the colours at the festival were, dare I use the ubiquitous word, awesome.

 How could I almost forget - P&D's Pop and my friend A...'s husband electrified The Shed!  Whoopee! Time to get in some exercise and start cookin'.

Quote:  Memory is the treasure-house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved.   ____Fuller

Friday, April 8, 2016

And an Apple is still causing a downfall . . .

Our company in feasting mode
Yup, after all the work yesterday with Maggie, my Apple supervisor, when I turned the iPad on this morning we were back to No Service. Poopies. I emailed her right away because she wanted to know how it was working out. She called back at 8:07 and explained that the engineers have still not worked out a fix for the iPad 2. The last IOS download is the problem but other than taking the SIM card out and restoring it there is no permanent fix so I'm not going to turn mine off until Maggie lets me know they've rectified their mistake. See, another day in Paradise Lost. Those damn apples.

Waiting for a friend to pick me up while P&D's Pop works on the wiring for The Shed. She and I will be going to the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival. I don't feel like bringing my camera but I will because there should be some superior colours there. I love the sounds of the names of so many of the parishes and towns in Louisiana. There's a scent of poetry in the air, well, as long as you stay clear of the fetid ditches; clean ditches are okay though!

Looking forward to another birthday party for a step great grandchild. He's a handsome fella and it should be fun although P&D's Pop will have to be home working with our friend Dwayne to wire The Shed.

Quote:  Each particle of matter is an immensity; each leaf a world; each insect an inexplicable compendium.  _____Lavater

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Another beautiful crazy day . . .

Certainly not the best photo but still proof that the hummers are here!
Decided to go for my walk a bit early this fine morning and as I got to Juban I saw a Great Egret land in the drainage ditch. I didn't even get concerned  that I didn't have my camera because I figured that he was going to take some time to eat his breakfast. I completed my walk, went back home to retrieve my camera, stopped to take some very poor photos of Bluebirds on the telephone lines and got back to the corner at Juban and there was my Egret. I got quite a few photos and video but I haven't downloaded them yet. After he left the corner I walked back home only to see him or another Egret feasting in the ditch across from where we live. Bien sûr I took more photos and videos.

On my return home the phone was ringing and it was Apple calling to help me get the iPad back into proper working order. We spent almost two hours connected on the phone and with screen sharing to maybe have fixed the iPad 2. But a lot of my stuff has not been downloaded yet because Apple wants me to work with it for a few days to see if we really have solved the problem. If it still acts up I'll have to send it in because it will be a hardware problem. Oh well, I couldn't talk Maggie into a new iPad because I'm such a long time customer! Hope I'm all set. P&D's Pop and I will be going to Arkansas for a flying contest in a couple of weeks and I want the 3G working!

Found the bushes I'd like to put in the yard yesterday at Stine's but decided to wait some more. I figure it'll cost me at least $40 a bush and I'll also need to get some good soil and mulch. I'm going to go to Clegg's in Denham Springs to see what they have before I make my selection. I really do want the biggest plants I can get!

Quote:  It is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth.  ___Bacon

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Already way too much done this morning . . .

P&D's Pop tidying up after flying in Walker
It's only 11 am and we've already been to get my regular fasting blood work done in Zachary; had a fantastic crispy pecan waffle and extra crispy bacon with coffee at Waffle House; almost caught in a traffic mess on Pride Port Hudson Road because a tractor trailer truck driver tried to back into a driveway on a curve and couldn't make it. He had the front end part way down the bank on the right and the back end partly down down the ditch on the left completely blocking the road. We could see the police car's blue lights flashing through the underside of the truck. We lucked out and were able to turn around and go back into Zachary where we took 64 East to MacHost so we could get to Bayou Park.

 A few days back P&D's Pop lost a battery while flying there but when we stopped yesterday there was a golfer in the field where he had been flying that day so we went back this morning. We turned the area into a grid and looked carefully but no luck. I was getting into the truck when I saw Grampa look into the big garbage barrel near the parking area and he pulled out the battery! That surprised the heck out of both of us. Pretty cool doings.

Not sure what possessed me, perhaps the fact that it's cloudy, but I decided to get the old Black & Decker light weight weed whacker ready for a workout. The best part is that Grampa revved up the new push mower and mowed near the fence and the ditch while I did the trim. First time we've gotten everything all spiffed up - looks good too. When  we finished that I had to do a dark wash because we were a mess. I do dress properly and wear a hat and glasses when I use my lawn neater upper.

  Still have some thinking to do about putting a couple of flowering plants in the back yard. Can't figure it out yet. I think camellias are a winter flowering plant and  azaleas bloom in Spring so I may have to choose one or the other or be brave and go with a couple of each. I may have to buy some good sized plants because I want them to bloom in fecundity this year!

Quote:  Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.   ___Augustine

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Maybe it's a charm . . .

Killdeer in the backyard
This is the third time today that I try to get to my blog. First time P&D's Pop asked me if I wanted to go to Doyle's Bayou Park so he could fly and I could walk. Can't say no to an invitation like that. Of course I forgot my hat and it was very sunny but I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible. I've got to find a really good skin protection because we're out in the sun a lot. I've never been too concerned about that but down here I think I've got to be careful. Right now the days are absolutely perfect but I'm certain the humidity and temperature will be rising to the point we'll have to turn on the air and even stay in the house! I think I may do some weed whacking tomorrow. It's not bad yet but I should probably try to keep the yard in nice shape. If we don't get any rain I guess we'll be all set for a while.

The second time I tried to blog I noticed that my iPad had gone back to not working in 3G once again. I wrote to my Apple contact but haven't had a response. I did get en email from Apple trying to sell me a new one! They've got a lot of nerve. We'll see if they ever straighten out this mess.

P&D's Pop, the Big Kiddo and I just finished supper outside and they are back at work putting in a wall between the workshop and the El Camino. It looks like it's coming along quite well. This morning Grampa and I went to a new store to buy the wood he needed for the shed. Stine's is in Walker and it is a fantastic place. We drove right into the building, picked out what we wanted, put it in the truck and paid on the way out of the building. I've never seen a store like that. They seem to be a few notches above Home Depot or Lowe's. I was also impressed with all of the garden stuff which I didn't get a chance to check out but we did get some more bird food. I think I'll be going back on my own just to look around. Think I'll go sit on the back porch with my camera and see if any wild life wants to be photographed.

Quote:  Fame - a few words upon a tombstone, and the truth of those not to be depended on.   ______Bovee

Monday, April 4, 2016

Somewhat busy . . .

Rising out of the ditch
Well the iPad problem is still with me but I'm not going to get too upset, after all it's just a thing. It's annoying to be paying a monthly fee for something you can't use but I imagine they'll get it right one of these days.

Spent a very good Saturday afternoon at a party for a three year old. I think she slept through about half of it! The food was outrageously good but the best part was that I had a chance to relearn how to eat craw fish. Not sure why that tickles me but it does. They were perfectly spiced for me so I was able to eat quite a few. I don't suck out the heads which is where the really spicy part is, so I'm told. I only eat the tails. These craw fish were huge, almost looked like baby lobsters and I won't eat lobsters although I do like to prepare them for others!

When we returned home after an iHop breakfast yesterday P&D's Pop noticed a white head popping up in a drainage ditch. I grabbed my camera and got a few out of focus shots of a Great Egret having his breakfast. It is so odd for me to be able to just go outside and see Mother Nature at work in such a different way than in Connecticut. It's much more open here. I suppose that the flat terrain makes it easier to see whatever is happening. There are no hills at all. It's odd how you can see see full sunrises and sunsets just standing on your back or front porch.

Off for one last doctor's appointment and a stop to visit our daughter-in-law. I'll finally be done with the change overs to new medical people. I'm pretty darned impressed with how smoothly this has gone. I'm feeling well and confident. Middle child should be in Baton Rouge next week for her job and we'll get a chance to see her. Can't wait for that. Yes, I certainly do miss some people!

Quote:  Marriage is of a date prior to sin itself - the only relic of paradise that is left us - a smile of God on the world's innocence, lingering and playing still upon it . . . ____Horace Bushnell (What a strange and wonderful quote.  I didn't use it all because then it's not as sweet!)

Friday, April 1, 2016

Still having Apple Problems . . .

So beautiful
Started out the day going to Baton Rouge for a kidney x-Ray. Must admit I got there so fast it was unnerving. I left at 7:45 so I could be there for 8:45 and I ended up getting there at 8:07! Wow, I didn't hit one red light or traffic jam. I was out of the building before the start time of my second appointment with the Doctor to go over the results of the x-rays.  She was very pleased and I don't have to see her again until October for a regular checkup.

I have actually been away from my blog because as I was working on the iPad it dawned on me that the 3G wasn't working again! Since last Friday I've had a devil of a time getting it to work properly. I downloaded the latest iOS version and it killed the 3G. I was online with a live AT&T person Monday afternoon for a few hours trying to get it straightened out but it didn't work so the young man made an appointment for me to go to their store in Denham Springs. P&D's Pop brought me there and in two shakes of a lamb's tail the tech fixed it. Yay!

 Next day it was down again; no 3G, so I called the AT&T store and went back for another fix. This time I had to hang around quite a while but eventually a different tech put in a new SIM card and it still didn't work so he said it was an Apple problem. I called the Big Kiddo and he looked it up online. It seems that Apple's latest download to improve the iPad backfired. That meant I didn't need to buy a new one, Big Kiddo's wife would bring me to the Apple Store in Baton Rouge the next day.

Next day was a lot of fun; made a few stops, a western clothing store ( I like those shirts!) Victoria's Secret where I was trying on a t-shirt when my older brother called me on the phone! the Apple Store where after a short wait a lady tech fixed the iPad and then the pièce de résistance the Movie Tavern where we watch London Has Fallen while we ate a pretty darned good lunch!

 But, I digress. So . . . when I realized that the iPad was still not right I called Apple and was told I should go online because my wait time for help was going to be awful. I refused to hang up and told the robot to turn off the music while I waited. After quite some time Kye came on the phone and we went to work on the computer to get iTunes working properly so she could fix the 3G. After a couple of hours of Kye sharing the computer screen with me and getting nowhere she transferred me to her supervisor, Maggie. Maggie and I talked a bit and I explained that the phone number used to connect my iPad to the 3G no longer shows up in the stats. She called a tech at AT&T and we had a three way heart to heart. Then I was asked to remove the new SIM card from the device. I got P&D's Pop from his workshop to help me out. He removed it more easily than I did the first time. Then we waited 10 seconds and popped it back in. Like magic the 3G is now working again. Maggie sent me her email address and her phone number just in case it acts up again. Can't believe how much time I've spent on this tech problem and it wasn't even something I caused to happen. Seems to me Apple owes me a brand spanking new iPad that will never need any fixes. The bottom line is the telephone number now shows up in the statistics column. Lower case, yay.

Quote:  Accustom yourself to that which you bear ill, and you will bear it well. ----Seneca (Really?  I don't think so.)