Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unusually perfect weather . . .

Got up and it was 56 degrees and ended up at 80 degrees with a soft, dry breeze the whole live long day. Can't beat this weather. Big Kiddo came for a visit and straightened out my printer, did some odds and ends in The Shed and best of all he and Grampa put the notorious swing back up before P&D's Pop offered to take us to lunch at Randazzo's Market. We had some excellent food à l'italienne and the service was top notch with the owners' seven year old son helping with the drinks, menus, cleaning and schmoozing with customers as he inquired if customers had enjoyed their food. It's too bad Big Kiddo's wifey was home sick but I think that the next time we may all be able to talk P&D's Pop into lunch at the Seafood and Steak Place on Magnolia Bridge. It's supposed to be pretty good Cajun stuff.

Later in the afternoon, after Big Kiddo left for home, we took a ride East on Pete's Highway, South on 55, West on I12, Florida and Juban. The place names are poetic - Greenwell Springs, Watson, Indian Mound, Dennis Mills, Montpelier, Independence, Tickfaw, Natalbany, Hammond, Albany, Holden, Livingston, Satsuma, Walker, Denham Springs, St. Helena, Tangipahoa. We did roll up a few hills, a first for us in our new home Louisiana. Blue skies, bright sunshine, clean, dry breeze as we rolled past miles and miles of open land made me realize how fortunate we are to live in this beautiful United States. We passed few homes but each was distinctively personal to the inhabitants of said homes. The best part was seeing a few very old, rusty trailers with their neat, beautiful gardens of flowers and vegetables. There is a love of place here that strikes me as different from Connecticut. Yes there are mean, trashy areas as there are mean and trashy human beings wherever you roam on this big beautiful blue marble but there is more warmth, love and beauty than trash. Being in love with God's Earth is good. Now we have to work at teaching all living, thinking creatures to appreciate what He has created.

Okay, time to get off of my preachy soapbox. But I do like it here. Having built in family and friends has helped to bridge the gap - we went from home Moosup to home Denham Springs and all is as it should be.

Quote:  To Adam paradise was home. --To the good among his descendants, home is paradise.     ____Hare

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