Monday, April 4, 2016

Somewhat busy . . .

Rising out of the ditch
Well the iPad problem is still with me but I'm not going to get too upset, after all it's just a thing. It's annoying to be paying a monthly fee for something you can't use but I imagine they'll get it right one of these days.

Spent a very good Saturday afternoon at a party for a three year old. I think she slept through about half of it! The food was outrageously good but the best part was that I had a chance to relearn how to eat craw fish. Not sure why that tickles me but it does. They were perfectly spiced for me so I was able to eat quite a few. I don't suck out the heads which is where the really spicy part is, so I'm told. I only eat the tails. These craw fish were huge, almost looked like baby lobsters and I won't eat lobsters although I do like to prepare them for others!

When we returned home after an iHop breakfast yesterday P&D's Pop noticed a white head popping up in a drainage ditch. I grabbed my camera and got a few out of focus shots of a Great Egret having his breakfast. It is so odd for me to be able to just go outside and see Mother Nature at work in such a different way than in Connecticut. It's much more open here. I suppose that the flat terrain makes it easier to see whatever is happening. There are no hills at all. It's odd how you can see see full sunrises and sunsets just standing on your back or front porch.

Off for one last doctor's appointment and a stop to visit our daughter-in-law. I'll finally be done with the change overs to new medical people. I'm pretty darned impressed with how smoothly this has gone. I'm feeling well and confident. Middle child should be in Baton Rouge next week for her job and we'll get a chance to see her. Can't wait for that. Yes, I certainly do miss some people!

Quote:  Marriage is of a date prior to sin itself - the only relic of paradise that is left us - a smile of God on the world's innocence, lingering and playing still upon it . . . ____Horace Bushnell (What a strange and wonderful quote.  I didn't use it all because then it's not as sweet!)

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