Friday, April 8, 2016

And an Apple is still causing a downfall . . .

Our company in feasting mode
Yup, after all the work yesterday with Maggie, my Apple supervisor, when I turned the iPad on this morning we were back to No Service. Poopies. I emailed her right away because she wanted to know how it was working out. She called back at 8:07 and explained that the engineers have still not worked out a fix for the iPad 2. The last IOS download is the problem but other than taking the SIM card out and restoring it there is no permanent fix so I'm not going to turn mine off until Maggie lets me know they've rectified their mistake. See, another day in Paradise Lost. Those damn apples.

Waiting for a friend to pick me up while P&D's Pop works on the wiring for The Shed. She and I will be going to the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival. I don't feel like bringing my camera but I will because there should be some superior colours there. I love the sounds of the names of so many of the parishes and towns in Louisiana. There's a scent of poetry in the air, well, as long as you stay clear of the fetid ditches; clean ditches are okay though!

Looking forward to another birthday party for a step great grandchild. He's a handsome fella and it should be fun although P&D's Pop will have to be home working with our friend Dwayne to wire The Shed.

Quote:  Each particle of matter is an immensity; each leaf a world; each insect an inexplicable compendium.  _____Lavater

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