Thursday, April 21, 2016

Think I've figured it out . . .

South Park Blue Jay
Not that it matters to anyone but me and admittedly I can get carried away when I don't feel well but I think that I was feeling so terrible a few days ago because I had food poisoning. Sounds odd perhaps but about four years ago I was very sick after going to a party where I ate part of a wild game hamburger which was not well done and got terribly ill. My stomach and whole body were in turmoil and I was so weak as to be dysfunctional. The stomach doctor told me to never eat wild game and if I had to it had to be very well done because the pills I take for acid reflux don't let my body fight the nasty stuff that can be found in all raw meats but especially in game. In any case I ate a very rare steak this week and I don't think I'll do that again - it'll have to be medium, just a touch of light pink from now on. Of course I may be all wet but my body is just getting over whatever attacked my innards and I'm not messing around with rare ever again - so I guess this will be fair warning that my holiday roast beasts shall be cooked to medium! Then again I suppose I can always ask P&D's Pop to throw my slice of roast on the grill! That sound pretty good too.

Went to South Park today sans camera so I could get in a good steady walk. It was a perfect day except for flying control line! There was no wind at all and it seems you do need a bit of wind or you fly through your own air currents and that makes for rough flying! Lots of Blue Jays today, nothing fancy, although at the speed I was zipping around the walking path I may have missed some important birds! (That's a joke.) P&D's Pop just invited me to lunch so we'll see if a Margarita will be good for what had been ailing me.

Kiddo is on vacation in Connecticut this week. I think his Mom will be working from home for a few days; I'm sure he'll be glad for her company. Hoping he'll get here for a couple of days in June before we head up to Connecticut for a week in July. I really do miss him but he's growing up so fast that maybe he'll be able to come and spend some time with us. Maybe his couple of days in June will give him an idea if he could stand being with us full time for a week or more! Well, I'm getting hungry so I think I'll bug Grampa and see if we can get some lunch.

Back from lunch at Moe's Southwest Grill.  Not impressed even a little - certainly not my cup of tea although their unsweetened tea is good. Don't always realize that many of the fast food restaurants here are pick your own poison and then sit down and eat!  I really prefer someone waiting on me!  Spoiled I am!  Besides there wasn't even the hint of a Margarita! So . . . Grampa and I found out that a burrito is okay, just not great!

Quote:  Experience is the shroud of illusions.    ____Finod

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