Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How low can you go . . . pretty damned low . . .

The nefarious porch swing
This is so exciting
Not sure why but yesterday I felt as if I had just returned home from that long stay in Hartford Hospital. But whatever it was I was over it this morning. Had a great breakfast with my best friend and help meet at IHOP before returning home and being so full of pep I finished trimming the yard with my Black&Decker weedwacker; hand weeded the front bushes; squashed the mud bug chimneys  and proceeded to cut back two bushes in the front of the house that were just scraggly, tall uglies before I also attacked all of the Crape Myrtles and cut off all of the suckers. I also planted the Sun Parasol Mandevilla, filled up the bird feeders and bagged all of the sticks I had lobbed off of the trees.  Thinking to cool off a little before going in the house I sat on my porch swing and as I relaxed and was swinging to my heart's content it dumped me on the cement floor. I was heartbroken and cried like a baby; hell I'm crying now as I relive the moment. P&D's Pop is off to the Hyundai dealer to have the Hyundai serviced so I was alone in my ignominious fall. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was on my back but I jumped right up and walked around to make sure I was intact. So far all I seem to have is a bruise on the front of my lower left leg and a somewhat sore back. I cried my way through a hot shower, put on a new blue skirt and white sleeveless blouse before coming out here to the back porch to eat lunch: Baskin Robbins Chocolate/Peanut Butter Ice Cream and unsweetened iced tea. Feeling better but still really pissed that this is the second time that swing drops me and bungs me up. I must have a swing so we'll see what safety features I need before I indulge in getting a new one or manage to put this one up safely although I think I may have to buy a special frame for it. It's a good thing I've already walked my two miles today because I'm not in the mood to do anything at this time! I almost forgot we saw a bluebird checking out the new house. Hope he brings his wifey and they choose to make their home here!

Quote:  Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his actions, when his existence is irretrievably under the control of destiny.   ____Goethe

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