Friday, August 21, 2009

More views of Vancouver

Taken from the outdoor walk around the Pan Pacific.

OK. That's it. Since it seems that the weather won't cooperate I'll have to cut down on my almost daily diary. If all I can concentrate on is the fact that it never got cooler than 75 all of last night and it is already 80 before 9am and the sun isn't even out; it's just plain gloomy and stifling, I think that I'll just sit and read the paper and work on the Lighthouse in Winter puzzle. It might cool off my thinking machine! I'm sure grandson will perk me up this afternoon. Grampa is working on the interior of the El Camino before the day gets any worse.

Quote: It is a great evil, as well as a misfortune, to be unable to utter a prompt and decided "No." --C. Simmons


2Evil4U said...

Still "hot" up there?

Anonymous said...

It's mid 80's at 11 am, sunshine too warm to try the headliner still, or fly.