Sunday, December 27, 2009

54 degrees with some sun and " blue skies shining on me . . ."

Can you believe it? We just got back from the Dog Track where Puppy's Pop had some trouble with the fuel line (I think) on his plane but still got in 3 flights and I was able to do my over 2 mile walk. It was so warm that I had to take off my jacket; no need for gloves or earmuffs. It was a wow afternoon. Besides that we met B. Sweet who had bought his 10 year old son a remote control truck and they were running around also. Puppy's Pop had a chance to talk to him about his drag car but I have no clue what they really discussed because I didn't understand what they were talking about! But his 55Chevy sounds pretty fast. He mainly races at Epping, NH because he's disgusted with Lebanon Valley, NY. It seems it's been taken over by city folk and no one else gets to run!

The singing at Mass today was a real treat. The group that prepared the Christmas Vigil Mass, not the Children's Mass, sang today and did the same songs as for the Vigil. It was so nice. Lots of harmony and some a cappella. Great.

Quote: Music is well said to be the speech of angels. --Carlyle

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