Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clean is good . . . (at least occasionally)

Miners trail.

Well the house is finally clean. Haven't had a chance to do much here at home this week so I hit it all today. Had a delicious pork chop dinner with mashed potatoes, corn kernels, salad and home made applesauce. Fantastique! Of course a nice white wine was "de rigueur."

It rained all day and this evening it has turned into a wet snow. Must admit it looks rather pretty but I could have done without it. I'm sure the tree farmers are wishing that it hadn't rained today. Will probably be a lot of families out tomorrow looking for their Christmas trees. We'll probably wait a couple more weeks. I still like to get the tree about a week before Christmas. Dinner will be here in Moosup as usual with middle child and family and Uncle Roy and Terry. Looking forward to seeing how I'll manage the roast "beast" this year! It's already ordered and we'll pick it up on the 24th.

Going to "A Canadian Christmas" with Mme G tomorrow at Le Foyer in Pawtucket. The roads should be cleared by our departure time: 12:30pm. It should be very relaxing and I'm looking forward to some soothing French carols. I'll have to pick up a tag from the Christmas Tree at Mass tomorrow and get to Sears to help some one in the parish have at least one present for the Holidays. I really do like to do that. I haven't always taken part in this type of gift giving but some of the people in our parish can certainly use the help. I look for a tag that seems to be for an older adult who needs clothes. I get a kick out of wrapping it up and putting it under the tree at All Hallows.

Quote: Children are excellent physiognomists, and soon discover their real friends. ---Luttrell calls them all lunatics, and so in fact they are. ----What is childhood but a series of happy delusions? ----Sydney Smith

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