Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A stop at Munson's . . .

I've tried to get a good photo of the tree but it's impossible. So this is the best I can do. I just can't get the proper lighting, ambiance, Canadian carols and fresh outdoor perfume!

Odd day today; grey, overcast, misty yet warmish (50's); who knows what's coming weather wise. Perhaps we'll be able to get in my walk and some flights at the dog track?

Had a wonderful lunch date with my younger sister yesterday. They still have lots of snow left from the 8 inches they received last week. It was beautiful in East Granby. We went out for lunch and shared a grinder this time. It looks as if I'll be able to take her out each time I go for a visit. I love it! I'm going to try really hard to get up there more often. They both look great and he's coming along, but slowly, after his hip surgery. I think that he likes it when we leave him and go off by ourselves. That's a good thing.

On the way home I stopped at Munson's. I just can't go by without thinking of MaTante and her ginger. So I stopped and bought some dark chocolates: 4 chocolate covered ginger, 4 raspberry creams, 2 tiramisu (they didn't have coffee creams, isn't that strange?), 4 chocolate covered blueberries and 2 turtles. On the way home I decided to check out the candy and I was so disappointed. The girl had not given me the dark chocolate turtles but just the milk chocolate turtles! I fixed that up really quickly. I ate both of them so they wouldn't contaminate my dark chocolate. Pretty delicious fix but still not perfect. Love that dark chocolate! Of course I get to eat all the candy by myself because Puppy's Pop rarely eats candy, at least not the delightful chocolates I savor.

Finished putting up the aromatic blue spruce last evening. I've tried to get a good picture of it but just can't seem to get it so it shows how beautiful it is. Grampa always manages to get us the best tree. Grandson will love it.

Quote: Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life. ----La Fontaine

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