Thursday, December 24, 2009

Excellent Christmas Eve Day . . .

You just never can tell. What a lot of fun we've had today. Slept in this morning, 7:30 instead of 7:00 because I was out late looking after my best little kids, yeah the older kid is very cool too! Finally got Grampa to take me to Lizzy B's and what a blast we had listening to R tell his court story. He looks like an old hippie, outdoors man; long gray hair pulled back in a low pony tail, headband, long gray beard, jeans, boots, denim jacket, a real honest to goodness character. (He lives on the Moosup River next to the trailer with the added on roof covering!) I told Grampa he had to write about R's story on his blog. So if you get a chance, check out Perry's Toys at the top of my Qu'que chose page. We were so long at breakfast that when we got home Puppy's Pop's older brother was waiting for us. We forgot he was coming to give us the checks for Gram's well and the settlement of the estate! Figure that one out. He came in and had some coffee and my very special Thomas' Toast'r Cakes with butter while we waited for younger brother and his wife to show up for their settlement check. Oh my goodness, what a good time we had with those three brothers telling stories. I wish I had thought to record it in someway, but that would have put a damper on it, I'm sure.

Went to pick up the Roast Beast at noon and I've been preparing the house and the food ever since. I really love to get ready for Christmas Dinner. It is such a pleasure no matter what I forget or mess up no one ever complains. It's cool. I've already got the turnips cooked,mashed, buttered and seasoned. They really taste better the next day. (My helpmeet prepared them for me!) I've got cheese cake crust in the freezer until after I get back from the 4pm Children's Mass and I'll make the filling and then bake it. It will then stay in the oven overnight. The stuffing for the celery is made and even a small fruit salad is mellowing in the fridge. Grampa has cleaned the bathroom, gotten out an extra table for the dessert and dishes along with two extra chairs. We'll only be 8 this year so I'm sure we'll have leftovers which is just fine with us. I made a raspberry sauce from the last batch of berries Grampa picked this summer and of course we'll also have the cherry topping for Gram's cheesecake. The middle child never lets me get away with Kool whip so I'll make up the whipped cream just before everyone shows up. The bread maker is out too (I've been keeping it in a closet because I rarely make bread anymore as we eat too much of it.) I'll put that in tomorrow about 8:30. I have no clue what time I'll start the Roast Beast. That is always a really bugbear for me! It's so hard not to start it early as everyone knows! I'll probably stay awake all night just trying to figure out what time I should put it in and then second guess, third guess myself etc!

Will be off soon for Mass so I'd best get picked up a bit around the kitchen!

Quote: There is a devil in every berry of the grape. ----Koran
Unquote: So drink up the wine! It's the Christian thing to do! (moi)

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