Monday, December 21, 2009

Beautiful day . . .

Had a pleasant morning starting with Lizzy B's and a ride in the Dodge Ram. Then climbed into the Saturn (lowered myself into it would be a better term!) and off to Big Y to pick up all the "stuff" for Christmas Dinner except the Prime Rib which we'll get Thursday at noon. Met a friend at Big Y who was all decked out in LLBean Christmas jacket and reindeer hat. It was amusing that I also had to go to the Danielson Stop and Shop (formerly Glass Container) to get the Dole salads we like, which Big Y doesn't carry, and I met Maryann at the check out again! Maybe it just proves that I'm turning into a big time shopper.

On the way home I went to Maple Street to get my flowers and then back down Route 12 to the Coffee House for a large Mocha Latte. While there I got 24 of those little coffee cups they use in the Kurig machines. At this store I get to mix and match what I want to buy instead of getting one 24 cup box of one thing. That's always fun. I bring them to Groton to the fancy coffee machine! While I was waiting for my Latte I saw a neat book for sale. It had a picture of the Journal Office on the cover. It's a pictorial view of the town of Plainfield from late 1800's to the early 1950's. Since Ma worked at the Journal Office while we were growing up I just had to have the book. It's neat.

I'll fore go my walk today because the roads may be good but not wide enough to be safe for walking.

Quote: Too low they build who build beneath the stars. -----Young

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