Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Boy's photos . . .

Our young one took these without any coaxing or instruction. Pretty nice job.

From what I understand the Grand Opening Party at Richoni's went extremely well. There were wall to wall people, a great band and super food. I'm so glad. They never finished up until 3:30am. What a ball!

I'm taking time out today to just sit with a nice glass of dessert wine. I'll be watching for the snow. It's predicted that at least 12 inches of the cold, freezy, pretty flakes will fall. Then we can work our tails off shoveling! (Actually Puppy's Pop really does all of the work. I don't even supervise any more!)

Quote: I have never been hurt by anything I didn't say. ---Calvin Coolidge

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

I like that old Creche.